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Hello! This might be an older question but since the previous answer references the library I wrote (RBSManager) I thought I would provide some additional info.

So far in my research using an external ROS Master with ROSBridge seems to be the most effective way for the two to communicate, but this could change with the development of ROS2, which will hopefully support Mac OS. How that will work on iOS I'm not sure about. For building a tablet control panel, for example, ROSBridge would work great (I've built something like that before).

If all you'd like to do is public messages to a specific topic running on a separate master, my library is more than capable of doing that. You would need to define the messages you want and set up a publisher on the specific topic. The demo app in the project repo uses turtlesim to demonstrate everything (like using a publisher, subscriber and service call).

Good luck!