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I've solved the synchronization problem just using the original file. I realized that if I change the raw keys for other, even if without mistakes, I'll always have sync problems. So, is better don't move anything in there.

On the other hand, for navigation I thought that because of odd keys reading and sync, the wheeled robot wasn't navigating as should. But its behavior isn't changed. Definitely I have a wrong configuration for the navigation. At least I can discard this problem for navigation :)


I've solved the synchronization problem just using the original file. I realized that if I change the raw keys for other, even if without it hasn't mistakes, I'll always have sync problems. So, is better don't move anything in there.

On the other hand, for navigation I thought that because of odd keys reading and sync, the wheeled robot wasn't navigating as should. But its behavior isn't changed. Definitely I have a wrong configuration for the navigation. At least I can discard this problem for navigation :)
