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There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs.

There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3.Pi3. The development of Turtlebot3 is also using the RPi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs. needs.

There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3. The development of Turtlebot3 is also using the RPi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs.

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There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3. The development of Turtlebot3 is also using the RPi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs.

Update with link to TB3 material:

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There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3. The development of base model of the Turtlebot3 is also using the RPi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs.

Update with link to TB3 material:

You can ready Turtlebot3 updates on -

There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3. The development of base model of the Turtlebot3 is also using the RPi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs.

Update with link to TB3 material:

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Update on one more Raspberry Pi 3 Bot:

LoCoRo (low cost robot). It's a "work in progress". Uses RC servo motors for the drive chassis; supports differential drive and mecanum drive (via geometry_msgs/Twist); currently only teleop as it doesn't yet has any sensors; can use webapp on smartphone/tablet as virtual game controller.

There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3. The development of base model of the Turtlebot3 is also using the RPi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs.

Update with link to TB3 material:

You can ready Turtlebot3 updates on -

Update on one more Raspberry Pi 3 Bot:

LoCoRo (low cost robot). It's a "work in progress". Uses RC servo motors for the drive chassis; supports differential drive and mecanum drive (via geometry_msgs/Twist); currently only teleop as it doesn't yet has any sensors; can use webapp on smartphone/tablet as virtual game controller.controller; CAD models for 3D printing mounting bird for electronics, drive chassis, and wheels.

There are several ROS robots using the Raspberry Pi 3. The MIT Duckietown uses the RPi3 and uses an on board camera for autonomous navigation. The Linorobot is also based on the Raspberry Pi3. The development of base model of the Turtlebot3 is also using the RPi3.

You can look at these robots and determine if they demonstrate similar capabilities to your needs.

Update with link to TB3 material:

You can ready Turtlebot3 updates on -

Update on one more Raspberry Pi 3 Bot:

LoCoRo (low cost robot). It's a "work in progress". Uses RC servo motors for the drive chassis; supports differential drive and mecanum drive (via geometry_msgs/Twist); currently only teleop as it doesn't yet has any sensors; can use webapp on smartphone/tablet as virtual game controller; CAD models for 3D printing mounting bird for electronics, drive chassis, and wheels.

Update regarding use of Ubuntu Xenial server image:

If you use this ( image of Ubuntu for the Raspberry Pi, You should immediate disable and prevent updates of the raspi2 files. There are several big which may render the SD card unusable and require re-imaging. There are relevant bugs being tracked for the various code streams of Ubuntu. There is a detailed step-by-step for Ubuntu+ROS on RPi here: