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I can help a little on the ROS side.

I've used usb_cam. The best way to test it on your laptop is to clone the github repo to a src folder in your catkin workspace. Change the video port in the launch file to whatever port your webcam is on. If an integrated camera is used, /dev/video0 should work. I use an external one, for which I use /dev/video1

All you have to do is a catkin_make and launch the node via:

roslaunch launch/usb_cam-test.launch

A video window should open. There will be a list of topics braoadcasting video data. I use /usb_cam/image_raw.

I can help a little on the ROS side.

I've used usb_cam. The best way to test it on your laptop is to clone the github repo to a src folder in your catkin workspace. Change the video port in the launch file to whatever port your webcam is on. If an integrated camera is used, /dev/video0 should work. I use an external one, for which I use /dev/video1

All you have to do is a catkin_make and launch the node via:

roslaunch launch/usb_cam-test.launch

A video window should open. There will be a list of topics braoadcasting video data. I use /usb_cam/image_raw.

Edit: Tested in ROS Kinetic.