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I'm having segmentation fault.

I commented everything in my .cpp and just left myWidget = new QWidget() in the initPlugin(). The plugin is shown in RQT, but when i select it it says segmentation fault and crashes. If i remove this line it works (no crash/segmentation fault)

Does this mean that my Qt libraries are not linked correctly ? I'm trying to build with Qt5, so i changed the corresponding lines in the CMakeLists.txt

I'm having segmentation fault.

I commented everything in my .cpp and just left myWidget = new QWidget() in the initPlugin(). The plugin is shown in RQT, but when i select it it says segmentation fault and crashes. If i remove this line it works (no crash/segmentation fault)

Does this mean that my Qt libraries are not linked correctly ? I'm trying to build with Qt5, so i changed the corresponding lines in the CMakeLists.txt

EDIT : i tried with Qt4 in the Cmake and there is no more segmentation fault. Could someone help me to find the equivalent commands in CMake for Qt5 if it is possible ? Thanks

I'm having segmentation fault.

I commented everything in my .cpp and just left myWidget = new QWidget() in the initPlugin(). The plugin is shown in RQT, but when i select it it says segmentation fault and crashes. If i remove this line it works (no crash/segmentation fault)

Does this mean that my Qt libraries are not linked correctly ? I'm trying to build with Qt5, so i changed the corresponding lines in the CMakeLists.txt

EDIT : i tried with Qt4 in the Cmake and there is no more segmentation fault. Could someone help me to find the equivalent commands in CMake for Qt5 if it is possible ? Now it is working with everything, but i get the following error :

/usr/bin/python: symbol lookup error: /local/etienne/ros/catkin_ws/devel/lib// undefined symbol: _ZN7QwtPlotC1EP7QWidget

So i guess Qwt isnt linked correctly too, i'm new to Cmake so if you could help me. Thanks

I'm having segmentation fault.

I commented everything in my .cpp and just left myWidget = new QWidget() in the initPlugin(). The plugin is shown in RQT, but when i select it it says segmentation fault and crashes. If i remove this line it works (no crash/segmentation fault)

Does this mean that my Qt libraries are not linked correctly ? I'm trying to build with Qt5, so i changed the corresponding lines in the CMakeLists.txt

EDIT : i tried with Qt4 in the Cmake and there is no more segmentation fault. Could someone help me to find the equivalent commands in CMake for Qt5 if it is possible ? Now it is working with everything, but i get the following error :

/usr/bin/python: symbol lookup error: /local/etienne/ros/catkin_ws/devel/lib// undefined symbol: _ZN7QwtPlotC1EP7QWidget

So i guess Qwt isnt linked correctly too, i'm new to Cmake so if you could help me. Thanks

EDIT : I was linking a Qwt version manually compiled with ... Qt5 so ofc it was failing, now i'm using a Qwt version compatible with Qt4 and it's working fine.

Seems like my problem is solved, thanks for your hints!