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It looks like there is a parameter called device_ip:

  private_nh.param("device_ip", devip, std::string(""));
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("Set device ip to " << devip << ", only accepting packets from this address." );

It isn't used by any of the launch files, so you would have to add it to nodelet_manager.launch (and pass it down from a launch file that includes that one), and then you would launch it separately for each ip. If you get it working you should try to get the changes merged into the repository.

It looks like there is a parameter called device_ip:

  private_nh.param("device_ip", devip, std::string(""));
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("Set device ip to " << devip << ", only accepting packets from this address." );

It isn't used by any of the launch files, so you would have to add it to nodelet_manager.launch (and pass it down from a launch file that includes that one), and then you would launch it separately for each ip. ip, and likely put each launch into a separate namespace. If you get it working you should try to get the changes merged into the repository.