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Based on the output you posted, it looks like the only package catkin_make is finding in your source space (/home/venky/catkin_ws/src) is called fastmarching. Yet you seem to be trying to build a package called robot_setup_tf based on your arguments to catkin_make. There must be something strange about your setup in your source space. Can you edit your question with the output of tree -L 3 /home/venky/catkin_ws/src?

My guess is that you have a package.xml which is blocking the other packages or something strange like that. I think this because you have /home/venky/catkin_ws/src/ua_ros_p3dx on your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH according to the output of rospack profile. This would allow rospack to find it, but would potentially mean catkin_make would not, since catkin_make just looks recursively in the source space, stopping when it finds a package.xml, and does not consider the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.