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If you read fovis_ros wiki, it's stated that pose and twist covariance is not published for mono depth odometer. That's why robot_pose_ekf is telling you that the covariance for the "vo" topic is zero.

If you read fovis_ros wiki, it's stated that pose and twist covariance is not published for mono depth odometer. That's why robot_pose_ekf is telling you that the covariance for the "vo" topic is The library libfovis itself does not provide that information, and so does the wrapper.

If you want, you can change fovis_ros/src/odometer_base.hpp to set a fixed covariance to do some tests.

If you read In fovis_ros wiki, it's stated that pose and twist covariance is not published for mono depth odometer. That's why robot_pose_ekf is telling you that the covariance for the "vo" topic is zero. The library libfovis itself does not provide that information, and so does the wrapper.

If you want, you can change fovis_ros/src/odometer_base.hpp to set a fixed covariance to do some tests.