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Well, Just for the record. the steps I followed to setup the SICK PLS 101-312 scanner on ROS groovy are:

  1. create a workspace and clone the pls_wrapper into this directory as shown below.

    $ mkdir ~/sickplsws/src; cd ~/sickplsws/src; sudo git clone

  2. now to build this source code, $ cd laser_drivers and $ rosmake sicktoolbox_pls_wrapper (Since this wrapper uses ROSBUILD).

  3. Catkinize your folder if you want to by $ cd ~/sickplsws/;catkin_make and then once every thing is fine, source your setup.bash file with the command source ~/sickplsws/devel/setup.bash

  4. Start your ros master in a new terminal $ roscore and in the old terminal where you sourced the catkin package, type the below command $ rosrun sicktoolbox_pls_wrapper sick_pls_wrapper _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=38400 (Note: you should be able to tab autofill after you type sicktoolbox_ ... if not, check if you have built the source code properly or not). This command will take a while (assuming that you are connecting the laser at /dev/ttyUSB0 and with a baud of 38400).
  5. Now in a new terminal type $ rostopic echo /scan, if you have done everything write you should a stream of serial data being pushed into your PC. Now the important part, CTRL+C, scroll up in the screen and find out what header message you are getting in the data stream you received serially. Note down what is against the > Frame : laser_xx
  6. in another terminal, type $ rosrun rviz rviz, click Add-> laser scanner and under the laser scanner find the topic and make it as /scan. if you get an error now, just make the global fixed_frame as laser_xx or to whatever you find from step 5.

And you should be able to see the data spread on the 2D plane of RVIZ.


Well, Just for the record. the steps I followed to setup the SICK PLS 101-312 scanner on ROS groovy are:

  1. create a workspace and clone the pls_wrapper into this directory as shown below.

    $ mkdir ~/sickplsws/src; cd ~/sickplsws/src; sudo git clone

  2. now to build this source code, $ cd laser_drivers and $ rosmake sicktoolbox_pls_wrapper (Since this wrapper uses ROSBUILD).

  3. Catkinize your folder if you want to by $ cd ~/sickplsws/;catkin_make and then once every thing is fine, source your setup.bash file with the command source ~/sickplsws/devel/setup.bash

  4. Start your ros master in a new terminal $ roscore and in the old terminal where you sourced the catkin package, type the below command $ rosrun sicktoolbox_pls_wrapper sick_pls_wrapper _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=38400 (Note: you should be able to tab autofill after you type sicktoolbox_ ... if not, check if you have built the source code properly or not). This command will take a while (assuming that you are connecting the laser at /dev/ttyUSB0 and with a baud of 38400).
  5. Now in a new terminal type $ rostopic echo /scan, if you have done everything write right you should a get stream of serial data being pushed into your PC. PC terminal. Now the important part, CTRL+C, scroll up in the same screen and find out what header message you are getting in the data stream you received serially. Note down what is against the > Frame : laser_xx
  6. in another terminal, type $ rosrun rviz rviz, click Add-> laser scanner and under the laser scanner find the topic and make it as /scan. if you get an error now, just make the global fixed_frame as laser_xx or to whatever you find from step 5.

And you should be able to see the data spread on the 2D plane of RVIZ.


Well, Just for the record. the steps I followed to setup the SICK PLS 101-312 scanner on ROS groovy are:

  1. create a workspace and clone the pls_wrapper into this directory as shown below.

    $ mkdir ~/sickplsws/src; cd ~/sickplsws/src;cd ~/sickplsws/src; sudo git clone

  2. now to build this source code, $ cd laser_drivers and $ rosmake sicktoolbox_pls_wrapper (Since this wrapper uses ROSBUILD).

  3. Catkinize your folder if you want to by $ cd ~/sickplsws/;catkin_make and then once every thing is fine, source your setup.bash file with the command source ~/sickplsws/devel/setup.bashrosmake.

  4. Start your ros master in a new terminal $ roscore and in the old terminal where you sourced the catkin package, type the below command $ rosrun sicktoolbox_pls_wrapper sick_pls_wrapper _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=38400 (Note: you should be able to tab autofill after you type sicktoolbox_ ... if not, check if you have built the source code properly or not). This command will take a while (assuming that you are connecting the laser at /dev/ttyUSB0 and with a baud of 38400).
  5. Now in a new terminal type $ rostopic echo /scan, if you have done everything right you should a get stream of serial data being pushed into your PC terminal. Now the important part, CTRL+C, scroll up in the same screen and find out what header message you are getting in the data stream you received serially. Note down what is against the > Frame : laser_xx
  6. in another terminal, type $ rosrun rviz rviz, click Add-> laser scanner and under the laser scanner find the topic and make it as /scan. if you get an error now, just make the global fixed_frame as laser_xx or to whatever you find from step 5.4.

And you should be able to see the data spread on the 2D plane of RVIZ.
