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From rosdistro/master/hydro/distribution.yaml:

      type: git
      version: hydro-devel
      type: git
      version: hydro-devel
    status: developed

The rosdistro doc entry points to a hydro-devel branch, but that doesn't seem to exist in your repository (there is only a master branch).

You should update the rosdistro entries for ar_sys to point to the correct branch. I expect it will start working then.

Your source entry also points to hydro-devel.

Also: have you instructed Bloom to use your source repository as a release repository?

From the console output you linked to:

ERROR: Couldn't find any revision to build. Verify the repository and branch configuration for this job.

From rosdistro/master/hydro/distribution.yaml:

      type: git
      version: hydro-devel
      type: git
      version: hydro-devel
    status: developed

The rosdistro doc entry points to a hydro-devel branch, but that doesn't seem to exist in your repository (there is only a master branch).

You should update the rosdistro entries for ar_sys to point to the correct branch. I expect it will start working then.

Your source entry also points to hydro-devel.

Also: have you instructed Bloom to use your source repository as a release repository?

From the console output you linked to:

ERROR: Couldn't find any revision to build. Verify the repository and branch configuration for this job.

From rosdistro/master/hydro/distribution.yaml:

      type: git
      version: hydro-devel
      type: git
      version: hydro-devel
    status: developed

The rosdistro doc entry points to a hydro-devel branch, but that doesn't seem to exist in your repository (there is only a master branch).

You should update the rosdistro entries for ar_sys to point to the correct branch. I expect it will start working then.

Your source entry also points to hydro-devel.

Also: have you instructed Bloom to use your source repository as a release repository?

Edit: yes, that is 'wrong'. The Releasing a Package for the First Time tutorial clearly tells you (just above Section 2. Creating a Release Repository):

Next, let's talk about how bloom works. First, bloom requires that you have a separate "release" repository for releasing your package. This repository must be a git repository and is normally hosted. For example, all of the ROS release repositories are in the ros-gbp github organization. These repositories are the result of running bloom on a repository containing one or more catkin packages. We highly recommend that you host your release repository on

(emphasis mine).

Bloom takes all sorts of precautions, but it might clobber branches you have in your source repository, if it needs those for the release process. I'd recommend creating a release repository (as it says in the tutorial).