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You are trying to build it with Xcode? I would think you just need to add the path '/opt/local/lib' to your library link path in Xcode.

Here is a stack overflow talking about linking external libraries with Xcode:

You are trying to build it with Xcode? I would think you just need to add the path '/opt/local/lib' to your library link path in Xcode.

Here is a stack overflow talking about linking external libraries with Xcode:


Sorry I misunderstood your question. Try running LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib make while you are in the directory given by roscd rosconsole. I think your environment variables should have covered this but maybe they have typos or something and this will show you that if rosconsole then compiles.

Also check to make sure something like /opt/local/lib/liblog4cxx.dylib exitsts.