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initial version

Changing ownership of the ~/.ros directory is the correct fix. rosdep recently go a fix-permissions verb that does exactly that and improves the error message, but it has not been released yet, so for now it is easiest to do it manually as @mehdi-tlili suggests.

Changing ownership of the ~/.ros directory is the correct fix. rosdep recently go a fix-permissions verb that does exactly that and improves the error message, but it has not been released yet, so for now it is easiest to do it manually as @mehdi-tlili @mehdi tlili suggests.

Changing ownership of the ~/.ros directory is the correct fix. rosdep recently go a fix-permissions verb that does exactly that and improves the error message, but it has not been released yet, so for now it is easiest to do it manually as @mehdi tlili suggests.

Edit: rosdep has been re-released, so if you update it from pip/apt, you shoul have gotten a more useful error message that indicates to run sudo rosdep fix-permissions