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The stack is actually called roomba_robot and roomba_500_series is a package in it. You just need to check out the stack repository and add the directory to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. The repository seems to be an SVN repository, so you can get it by:

svn co

I actually prefer using rosinstall for managing my ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. To use it, you can install/update rosinstall by executing:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install -U rosinstall

Then create a rosinstall file for roomba_robot:

roslocate info roomba_robot > ~/roomba-robot.rosinstall

Now create an overlay of your rosinstallation with roomba_robot added:

rosinstall ~/ros_roomba /opt/ros/electric ~/roomba-robot.rosinstall

Now edit your ~/.bashrc and replace the line

source /opt/ros/electric/setup.bash


source ~/ros_roomba/setup.bash

Make sure to open a new terminal or execute the above source command by hand. Now you should be able to rosmake roomba_500_series.