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step 2 and 3: you can add the line "source /root/fuerte_workspace/" in your ".bashrc", located in your /home folder, so every time you launch a terminal, that command is executed.

command 1: you do not need to run roscore when using a launch file, it runs it automatically.

command 3: you can add rviz as a node in your launch file.

command 4: if you have sourced ros path properly, you do not need to go to that specific folder to run command 4.

step 2 and 3: you can add the line "source /root/fuerte_workspace/" in your ".bashrc", located in your /home folder, so every time you launch a terminal, that command is executed.executed:

cd ~
gedit .bashrc

than add the line source /root/fuerte_workspace/ in the end of that file, save and open a new terminal to test.

command 1: you do not need to run roscore when using a launch file, it runs it automatically.

command 3: you can add rviz as a node in your launch file.file, adding this line to it:

<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" />

command 4: if you have sourced ros path properly, you do not need to go to that specific folder to run command 4.