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2020-06-10 12:55:17 -0500 marked best answer Persistent Service reconnection

I'm using ros hydro.

I call a persistence service in this way:

     classificationService = n.serviceClient<c_fuzzy::Classification>("classification", true);

then I use my service:

if (classificationService.isValid())
    ROS_ERROR("Service down, waiting reconnection...");
    connectToClassificationServer(); //Why this??

the method isValid return always false if I don't re-create the service handler. And apparently there's no way to restart a persistent service (such as a 'reconnect' method).

it is correct to always recreate the ServiceClient? why I need to use the nodeHandler if I've already all the information needed inside the ServiceClient object?

2019-06-24 04:32:22 -0500 commented question how to make Nao standing on the ground?

I have the same problem in ubuntu 18 and ros melodic (code for Nao checked out from git)

2018-12-06 15:02:53 -0500 marked best answer Where should I put configuration files?

Where should I put node configuration files? (e.g. a knowledge base) What is the "ROS way" to access these files?

I would like to have a node that reads some files in a folder at startup... files that can be modifyed by users.

or there is a better "ROS way" to do that sort of things?

edit: I'm only interested in wich is the best location where I can put configuration files and wich is the best way to get the path to these files...

2018-03-05 08:51:19 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-04-28 19:54:54 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-01-19 10:25:21 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-12-12 11:03:55 -0500 asked a question rviz high dpi issue

Hi, I'm having issues on high dpi screen using rviz. It seemes that the 3d rendering object doesn't scale properly, and each dimension is half the dimension he should be. image description

I'm using ubuntu (kubuntu) 16.04. Rviz is updated to the lst version

ros-kinetic-rviz: Installato: 1.12.4-0xenial-20161027-160750-0700

The screen is using a scaling of 2x

Maybe is related to this?

2016-11-30 20:46:09 -0500 received badge  Good Question (source)
2016-07-07 11:27:41 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2016-03-09 02:58:34 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-01-13 13:41:06 -0500 commented answer can I publish my own path and display in Rviz

uhm, I don't have any clues then. I'm sure that all you have to do is tu publish the message and add a path entry in rviz and setup the correct topic... Because I've recently worked on the code for doing so (the one that I've linked to you). I'm sorry I couldn't help you...

2016-01-13 01:51:06 -0500 commented answer can I publish my own path and display in Rviz

The only difference that I can see wrt your code is that each trasform has an appropriate stamp and a frame name

2016-01-13 01:49:52 -0500 commented answer can I publish my own path and display in Rviz

Ok, I'm sure that if you want to show a path in rviz you should only publish the topic. See the (overcomplicated) example here:

2016-01-12 17:03:27 -0500 commented answer can I publish my own path and display in Rviz

my_path.header.frame_id = 'odom' I think should be 'world' (or 'map')

2016-01-12 13:55:59 -0500 answered a question can I publish my own path and display in Rviz

have you added the Path plugin in the rviz config? add -> path and then you have to select the correct topic (/aPath)

2016-01-11 16:34:43 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-01-11 07:07:06 -0500 commented answer How to use Eigen with tf2?
2016-01-11 06:36:12 -0500 commented answer How to use Eigen with tf2?

opened issue

2016-01-11 06:21:59 -0500 commented answer How to use Eigen with tf2?

Yes, I saw the doxygen, but as you say is not so useful. Is completely missing an example of how to use properly the package with tf...

2016-01-11 05:25:43 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-01-10 12:14:16 -0500 asked a question How to use Eigen with tf2?

As tf is deprecated, I've started learning how to use tf2.

Unfortunately the documentation and the tutorials are not complete, as the old tf tutorial where.

In particular there's no explanation on how to publish in the most effective way an Eigen transformation throught tf.

The only way I've managed to solve the problem, was writing a boilerplate code, filling a message manually.

This happens as there's no function, as far as I can see, in the tf2_eigen package to convert an Eigen affine3D transformation into a geometry_message.

There seemes to be no documentation for tf2_eigen package. If I'm wrong, can you please point me where I can find the documentation?

And, by the way, the "external conversion" interface (that seemes to be complete only for kdl) is very strange, I would expect a templated broadcaster, in wich i could send an eigen transform like this:

broadcaster.sendTransform(eigenTransform, parent_frame, child_frame, timestamp);
2015-03-28 22:08:25 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-03-28 22:08:25 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-11-20 17:23:45 -0500 commented answer How to export a debug and release library?

@Wiliam: you mean if(debug) ... else() ... ? @Dirk: any build (relase/debug). an this time also with catkin make. Why this happens is obvious (specifing the library in such a way means that BOTH should be present always). @Wiliam: exactly. just using CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX...

2014-11-20 17:23:45 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2014-11-20 16:28:29 -0500 commented answer How to export a debug and release library?

Changed title. Ok, now the system works, still the build fails the first time, because both library are needed to build. However, the library links properly...

2014-11-20 04:32:43 -0500 commented answer How to export a debug and release library?

This doesn't work... Obviously fixes the debug build, but now you have an issue with the release build. The problem is that catkin should be aware of the CMAKE_<conf>_POSTFIX variables when generating the Find<package> cmake module. using debug suffix is widely used in libraries like g2o and qt.

2014-11-20 01:41:34 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-11-19 12:20:49 -0500 commented question How to export a debug and release library?

Have you tried catkin_make_isolated -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug? Please consider to run it on a clean workspace to avoid side effects (it seemes that if the release libraries exists, the linker uses them instead of Debug version). With catkin_make it works perfectly, the problem is the isolation...

2014-11-19 11:38:28 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-11-19 08:03:20 -0500 commented question How to export a debug and release library?

ps: i don't know how to upload files, so i've used dropbox... if there is a better way to share the workspace tell me...

2014-11-19 07:39:57 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-11-19 07:33:19 -0500 commented question How to export a debug and release library?

I'm so sorry, I missed to tell that you should set a debug postfix to see the issue.

i was missing the point because the library is huge, and I've only worked on the catkinization.

here is a minimal example of the setup:

2014-11-18 09:18:02 -0500 asked a question How to export a debug and release library?

I have package A in workspace1, and i build the package using:

catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

When I try to compile package B in workspace2 using:

catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

Build fails with message:

CMake Error at /path/AConfig.cmake:141 (message):
  Project 'B' tried to find library 'target_inside_A''.  The library is
  neither a target nor built/installed properly.  Did you compile project
  'A'? Did you find_package() it before the subdirectory containing
  its code is included?

same issue when building with catkin_make_isolated a workspace with both packages inside (catkin_make compilation runs clean).

I don't know if this behaviour is by catkin design or if it's a bug, or if it's all my fault.

I'm using ROS indigo on debian, compiled by source.

I've also tested in ROS groovy on ubuntu 12.10.

2014-08-12 09:02:59 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2014-07-24 10:39:50 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-07-10 04:19:55 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-05-22 04:01:30 -0500 commented answer Persistent Service reconnection

so, up to now, the "best" way is to recreate the ServiceClient from nodeHanlder?