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iceburg6628's profile - activity

2014-09-23 17:00:34 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-09-23 17:00:34 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-03-06 03:30:26 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-03-05 12:37:31 -0500 commented answer Sending and receiving data over a network to a non-Ros computer.

Thank you, I wasn't sure if their was a built in package.

2014-03-05 11:29:37 -0500 commented answer Using sicktoolbox on hydro

Thank you for the help, it turn out my cable was bad.

2014-03-05 11:28:52 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-03-05 11:27:31 -0500 asked a question Sending and receiving data over a network to a non-Ros computer.

I was wondering if it is possible to send data over a network to another computer using TCP. One computer is running ROS and the other is not.

2013-11-11 12:26:13 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-11-09 08:38:33 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-11-08 07:57:48 -0500 answered a question Using sicktoolbox on hydro

**I ran rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms , that's were the output comes from

Thank you, I am getting a timeout when trying to connecting to the Laser. This is the screen.

*** Attempting to initialize the Sick LMS...
    Attempting to open device @ /dev/ttyUSB0
SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed while trying to set serial port info!
    NOTE: This is normal when connected via USB!
        Device opened!
    Attempting to start buffer monitor...
        Buffer monitor started!
    Attempting to set requested baud rate...
A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!
    Failed to set requested baud rate...
    Attempting to detect LMS baud rate...
        Checking 19200bps...
SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed while trying to set serial port info!
    NOTE: This is normal when connected via USB!
A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!
        Checking 38400bps...
SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed while trying to set serial port info!
    NOTE: This is normal when connected via USB!
A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!
        Checking 500Kbps...
ERROR: I/O exception - SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed!
ERROR: I/O exception - SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed!
ERROR: I/O exception - SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed!
[ERROR] [1383940385.005614654]: Initialize failed! are you using the correct device path?
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SickToolbox::SickThreadException'
Aborted (core dumped)
2013-11-08 07:11:11 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-11-08 06:10:47 -0500 asked a question Using sicktoolbox on hydro

I'm trying to follow the sick laser tutorial, but I get this error "Couldn't find executable named sicklms" when i type rosrun sicktoolbox sicklms I am using ros hydro on ubuntu 12.04 I am following the tutorial for the sicktoolbox_wrapper.

*I ran rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms , that's were the output comes from

Thank you, I am getting a timeout when trying to connecting to the Laser. This is the screen.

*** Attempting to initialize the Sick LMS...
    Attempting to open device @ /dev/ttyUSB0
SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed while trying to set serial port info!
    NOTE: This is normal when connected via USB!
        Device opened!
    Attempting to start buffer monitor...
        Buffer monitor started!
    Attempting to set requested baud rate...
A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!
    Failed to set requested baud rate...
    Attempting to detect LMS baud rate...
        Checking 19200bps...
SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed while trying to set serial port info!
    NOTE: This is normal when connected via USB!
A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!
        Checking 38400bps...
SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed while trying to set serial port info!
    NOTE: This is normal when connected via USB!
A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!
        Checking 500Kbps...
ERROR: I/O exception - SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed!
ERROR: I/O exception - SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed!
ERROR: I/O exception - SickLMS2xx::_setTerminalBaud: ioctl() failed!
[ERROR] [1383940385.005614654]: Initialize failed! are you using the correct device path?
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SickToolbox::SickThreadException'
Aborted (core dumped)

I'm using a Plugable USB to RS-232 connector to connect the laser, I'll RS directly.