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2013-10-30 03:29:06 -0500 answered a question I can't execute rqt_graph in ROS fuerte.

Please use the following.

I really hope you did this in first case itself <distro> is your distribution.

First verify which version of ros do you have.

$ rosversion ros

if you get the following for example: 1.8.11 it means it is ROS fuerte

replace ,distro> with fuerte

  • $ sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-rqt

or if you have groovy then it is

  • $ sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-rqt

Please try! all the best

If there be any of the dependent rospacks that miss for the rqt please type the following and check if you got all of them as listed below:

natraj@natraj-MacBookPro:~$ rospack depends rqt_graph rosbuild python_qt_binding qt_gui rqt_gui qt_dotgraph rosgraph roslib rosnode rostopic rosservice

I hope it helps you.