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lucash's profile - activity

2023-05-08 06:49:43 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-05-23 16:27:52 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-10-18 13:27:37 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-08-25 13:12:55 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2021-08-12 07:46:46 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-08-11 12:37:21 -0500 edited question robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion

robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion Hello! I've been trying to use the robot_localization package i

2021-08-11 12:36:59 -0500 edited question robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion

robot_localization: IMU not being used in fusion Hello! I've been trying to use the robot_localization package in order

2021-08-11 12:34:55 -0500 commented question robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion

Hi! I checked the logs and there is no line containing "Received".

2021-08-10 18:15:27 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-08-10 14:11:56 -0500 commented question robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion

Hey guys, I've edited the question according to your suggestions. I've tested with debug: true and it looks like the Enq

2021-08-10 14:10:07 -0500 edited question robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion

robot_localization: IMU not being used in fusion Hello! I've been trying to use the robot_localization package in order

2021-08-10 14:10:07 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-08-10 12:14:49 -0500 edited question robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion

robot_localization: IMU not being used in fusion Hello! I've been trying to use the robot_localization package in order

2021-08-10 12:13:06 -0500 asked a question robot_localization: IMU not being used in sensor fusion

robot_localization: IMU not being used in fusion Hello! I've been trying to use the robot_localization package in order

2021-08-08 17:55:43 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-08-07 12:35:51 -0500 asked a question Correct way to map velocity_controller/cmd_vel to /cmd_vel

Correct way to map velocity_controller/cmd_vel to /cmd_vel Hello! I've created a differential robot using ros_control p