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2022-05-30 15:00:39 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-05-30 15:00:39 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-09-02 10:53:42 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-07-28 03:14:04 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

amazing! I will try this!

2021-07-26 14:49:53 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

it'd be great if you can teach me how to make turtlebot3 navigate without using a static map. so that I can replicate th

2021-07-26 14:49:31 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

it'd be great if you can teach me how to make turtlebot3 navigate without using a static map.

2021-07-26 01:16:05 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

I don't have the output of rqt_graph atm, since the simulation engine is not working properly due to a recent upgrade, I

2021-07-26 01:14:31 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2021-07-25 20:54:49 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-07-25 17:25:34 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

I have also linked all the config for cost maps and etc in the comments under my answer. If you can help me identify wha

2021-07-25 17:25:25 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

I have also linked all the config for cost maps and etc in the comments under my answer. If you can help me identify wha

2021-07-25 17:24:40 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

local_costmap: global_frame: odom robot_base_frame: base_frame transform_tolerance: 0.3 update_frequency: 5.0

2021-07-25 17:24:22 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

global_costmap: global_frame: map robot_base_frame: base_frame update_frequency: 10.0 static_map: true

2021-07-25 17:24:22 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2021-07-25 17:23:58 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

cost map common params: obstacle_range: 2 raytrace_range: 2 robot_radius: 0.1 inflation_radius: 0.5 observation_source

2021-07-25 17:23:31 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

The planner I am using is TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place_v

2021-07-25 17:21:52 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place_vel_theta: -3

2021-07-25 17:21:29 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place_vel_theta: -3

2021-07-25 17:21:13 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place_vel_theta: -3

2021-07-25 17:20:55 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place_vel_theta: -3

2021-07-25 17:20:41 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place_vel_theta: -3

2021-07-25 17:20:32 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place

2021-07-25 17:20:26 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place

2021-07-25 17:20:20 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

TrajectoryPlannerROS: max_vel_x: 1 min_vel_x: -0.1 max_vel_theta: 5 min_in_place_vel_theta: -3

2021-07-25 17:19:53 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

please see my answers below and let me know if you need more. I can't generate the graph now since I am still re-working

2021-07-25 17:19:08 -0500 edited answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

Below is my main launch file, it launches multiple nodes to convert sensors readings published from the simulation engin

2021-07-25 17:19:08 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-07-25 17:17:47 -0500 edited answer ROS noetic navigation without using a map

Below is my main launch file, it launches multiple nodes to convert sensors readings published from the simulation engin

2021-07-25 17:14:58 -0500 answered a question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

<launch> <node pkg="ros_x_habitat" type="" name="depth_ros" > <remap from="depth" to="h

2021-07-25 03:09:17 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

You didn't misunderstand my question, I am not creating a map at all. All I want is to provide my robot with an RGB-D ca

2021-07-25 02:50:24 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

Oh I'd like to see an example of using odom as global so that I can run SLAM while planning.

2021-07-25 02:10:41 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

I am on ROS noetic.

2021-07-25 01:43:01 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

can you please give me an example launch file of how to set this up? is there a similar turtle launch file I can refer t

2021-07-23 02:30:51 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-07-22 02:00:42 -0500 asked a question ROS noetic navigation without using a map

ROS noetic navigation without using a map Hi there, I am planning to use a loco-motion robot mounted with RGB-D camera t

2021-07-21 02:38:53 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-07-20 02:07:19 -0500 commented answer ROS noetic navigation without localization

this is a really good suggestion, I will try that

2021-07-20 01:09:58 -0500 commented question ROS noetic navigation without localization

the plan is to continuously provide the robot with its current location, but the location is available through the simul

2021-07-19 10:30:56 -0500 asked a question ROS noetic navigation without localization

ROS noetic navigation without localization Hi all, I wish to find a navigation package that will work without localizati

2021-07-19 10:30:56 -0500 asked a question ROS noetic navigation without localization

ROS noetic navigation without localization Hi all, I wish to find a navigation package that will work without localizati

2021-07-19 10:30:56 -0500 asked a question How to navigate without localization

How to navigate without localization I am trying to find a navigation package that can work without localization or map