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2023-08-04 02:29:12 -0500 answered a question Undefined symbol after source ros

Hi! As far as I can see, your problem does not seem to be ROS-related. Have you looked for similar issues (see here and

2023-08-04 02:29:12 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-08-02 07:41:41 -0500 edited answer how to get the linear velocity in the robot heading direction with gazebo/link_states?

Hi! I see a bit of confusion in your question. I see that, in both cases, you want to get/set the heading velocity of y

2023-08-02 07:35:15 -0500 answered a question how to get the linear velocity in the robot heading direction with gazebo/link_states?

Hi! I see a bit of confusion in your question. I see that, in both cases, you want to get/set the heading velocity of y

2023-08-02 07:35:15 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-08-01 02:48:44 -0500 commented answer Use subscriber callback to modify class attributes

Can you edit the question adding this alternative solution?

2023-08-01 02:48:31 -0500 commented answer Use subscriber callback to modify class attributes

Can you edit the question with this alternative solution?

2023-08-01 02:45:32 -0500 commented question The relationship between tf in rviz and tf_echo is very different

Glad you solved, you can post the solution as an answer to your question for future readers. About the "the reverse ord

2023-08-01 02:45:18 -0500 commented question The relationship between tf in rviz and tf_echo is very different

Glad you solved, you can post the solution as an answer to your question for future readers. About the "the reverse ord

2023-07-31 09:16:14 -0500 commented question use subscriber callback to modify class attribute

This is a duplicate of your own question, please close this one.

2023-07-31 09:13:42 -0500 answered a question Use subscriber callback to modify class attributes

Hi! The code you posted should print 0 one time (right before calling ros::spin()). The main is then "stuck" (find a be

2023-07-31 09:13:42 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-07-31 09:05:09 -0500 commented question The relationship between tf in rviz and tf_echo is very different

Hi! Are you sure to have specified the two RF in the same order in both cases. The problem might be that on one side yo

2023-07-31 05:47:32 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:47:12 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:46:57 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:46:37 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:46:23 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:46:15 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:45:45 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:45:19 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-31 05:45:12 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Ok, the M_PI meaning was indeed pretty clear, sorry for the super-dumb question. Regarding the estimated camera angle,

2023-07-28 09:28:36 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

I am going again through your code. How did you get the estimated_camera_angle, which I guess is the camera angle of vie

2023-07-27 03:20:48 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Hi! Please tell me if I have got correctly what you did: Get pixel coordinates of the object from the image Compute t

2023-07-27 03:20:12 -0500 commented question Getting position of an object to be shown as a marker

Hi! Please tell me if I have got correctly what you did in your code: Get pixel coordinates of the object from the im

2023-07-27 02:36:41 -0500 answered a question apriltag_ros, process died when detected required tag

Hi! There is an open issue on the apriltag_ros GitHub repo. I suggest you subscribe to the issue, so to receive notific

2023-07-21 05:13:36 -0500 commented question wheels are moving but the bot is not moving in gazebo

I suggest you post your comment as an answer, as it actually solves the problem in your question. As for the warning, y

2023-07-21 05:05:18 -0500 answered a question How to receive joint angles for a Robot using RViz Moveit

Hi! If you want to monitor the joint values while the trajectory is executed, you can simply subscribe to thejoint_stat

2023-07-21 05:05:18 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-07-19 08:51:26 -0500 commented question wheels are moving but the bot is not moving in gazebo

Hi! From the Github link you provided, I see you are just starting with ROS. It is important that you have a good under

2023-07-18 11:09:47 -0500 commented question Wheel link is not modeled as a cylinder or sphere

Hi! Glad you solved! Please post the solution to the original issue as an answer instead of a comment. Then open a new

2023-07-18 11:09:31 -0500 commented question Wheel link is not modeled as a cylinder or sphere

Hi! Glad you solved! Please post the solution to the original issue as an answer instead of a comment, as it is now. Th

2023-07-18 11:04:18 -0500 commented question How to add constraints without getting collide with planning scene object?

Hi! Can you confirm that when you plan to the same pose without the constraint, the robot reaches the desired pose with

2023-07-11 08:21:07 -0500 answered a question Obtain position of the object data from Homography matrix

If I have got it correctly, you are using the find_object_2d with the ~subscribe_depth parameter set to True (which is,

2023-07-11 08:21:07 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-07-11 03:26:57 -0500 answered a question Queue full: chose drop actions?

Hi! To the best of my knowledge, and as confirmed by rospy and rosccp documentation, there is no option to do such a th

2023-07-11 02:59:37 -0500 commented answer Add files to be loaded when ROS node is launched

Glad it helped! A minor piece of advice on the use of ROS Answers: the message you have just posted, should have been a

2023-07-10 08:03:30 -0500 answered a question Add files to be loaded when ROS node is launched

Hi! The error with the No such file or directory could be due to the fact that you are giving a relative path for radar

2023-07-10 08:03:30 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-07-07 08:28:39 -0500 commented question HandEyeCalibration Camera No Image Received

I guess you are following this tutorial or anyway trying to do something similar. If so, you could add the link to your

2023-07-07 08:28:25 -0500 commented question HandEyeCalibration Camera No Image Received

I guess you are following this tutorial or anyway trying to do something similar. If so, you could add the link to your

2023-06-29 05:30:14 -0500 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2023-06-23 03:44:58 -0500 commented question I want to use more than one publisher on one node.

Hi! Can you please describe the robot a little bit more in detail (or maybe with a pic)? I have got that you have a GUI

2023-06-23 03:33:41 -0500 answered a question 'python' permission denied while trying to run turtle_tf2_demo.launch

Hi! It could be a problem with permissions, as you are trying to access the keyboard. This might require root permissio

2023-06-23 03:33:41 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-06-23 03:20:46 -0500 commented question apriltag unstable

Hi! Which other (relevant) sensors does your robot have? LIDAR maybe? Which is the error you get with the approach you

2023-06-05 08:53:57 -0500 answered a question Why rotation is not match between aruco tag and tf?

Hi! Could you please provide us with some numbers? In the example you got the pictures from, which are the Euler angles

2023-06-05 08:35:11 -0500 commented question Planner and stereo vision camera

You should add some more details to help us understand your problem. Can you edit your question to add some code snippet

2023-06-05 08:31:34 -0500 answered a question Lidar point clouds vibrating in rviz

Hi! Some amount of "trembling" even when you are looking at a static scenario, is normal and due to noise. I think that

2023-06-05 08:19:17 -0500 commented question K-means clustring for obstacle detection

Hi @wsunmoon! Sorry for being pedantic, but this is not how you should ask questions in this community. You are suppose