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gowtham128's profile - activity

2023-08-15 04:24:11 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-05-26 09:06:03 -0500 edited answer Fusing wheel odom and bno055 imu generates glitch

Make sure only your ekf node is broadcasting tf from odom_frame to base_link

2023-05-26 09:05:33 -0500 answered a question Fusing wheel odom and bno055 imu generates glitch

Make sure only your ekf node is publishing tf from odom_frame to base_link

2023-05-20 02:17:36 -0500 answered a question don't understand the specified imu frame in robot_localization package

The measurement in Z axis should be +9.81 if the Z axis points upwards, because an imu sensor does not measure the accel

2023-05-17 02:26:58 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2023-05-15 09:25:31 -0500 commented question Fusing wheel odom and bno055 imu generates glitch

i am having the same issue, still can't find the answer, the base_link keep oscillating between encoder odom and robot l

2023-05-15 09:25:30 -0500 asked a question Base link oscillating between Encoder odom and filtered odom from robot localization package

Base link oscillating between Encoder odom and filtered odom from robot localization package Hello, I made a differenti

2023-05-14 14:28:49 -0500 received badge  Organizer (source)