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GEPATRON's profile - activity

2020-04-05 14:49:39 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2020-02-03 18:49:03 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-01-30 12:09:14 -0500 received badge  Organizer (source)
2020-01-30 10:28:45 -0500 commented question Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

No, it didn't work. I placed specific points in center locations just to make things "easier". The result wes the same

2020-01-30 09:34:58 -0500 commented question Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

Yes it is. But I can always make "easier" mates. For example I can replace some tangent mates with more "specific" mates

2020-01-29 13:12:56 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-01-29 10:12:38 -0500 commented question Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

Dear all, Apologies for my frustration expressed in a very bad way. I had no intent to criticize anyone especially when

2020-01-29 10:07:12 -0500 edited answer Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

Dear all, Apologies for my frustration expressed in a very bad way. I had no intent to criticize anyone especially when

2020-01-29 10:04:26 -0500 edited question Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location Dear all, I am trying 2 days now to export a simple model from Solido

2020-01-29 10:04:26 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-01-29 10:03:53 -0500 edited question Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location Dear all, I am trying 2 days now to export a simple model from Solido

2020-01-29 09:49:42 -0500 answered a question Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

Dear all, Apologies for my frustration expressed in a very bad way. I had no intent to criticize anyone especially when

2020-01-29 09:49:42 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2020-01-29 07:39:00 -0500 asked a question Solidworks to URDF exporter wheel locations

Solidworks to URDF exporter wheel locations Dear all, I have tried all I could to bring a Solidworks model to Gazebo but

2020-01-29 07:39:00 -0500 asked a question Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location

Solidworks to URDF export incorrect wheel location Dear all, I am trying 2 days now to export a simple model from Solido