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rsafonov's profile - activity

2014-02-24 01:31:10 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2014-02-24 01:31:06 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2013-12-06 06:13:55 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-12-05 12:34:11 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-12-05 11:02:30 -0500 commented answer Finding node log file location programmatically

Thank you. I have edited my original question.

2013-12-05 11:01:59 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-12-05 10:46:38 -0500 commented answer Finding node log file location programmatically

Thank you very much for your answer. However my question was different. I would like to find the location of the log file from my C++ code, not from the terminal. I think I found how to find the log file directory by using ros::file_log::getLogDirectory(). However this does not give me the log file name.

2013-12-05 10:45:43 -0500 commented question Finding node log file location programmatically

Thank you very much for your answer. However my question was different. I would like to find the location of the log file from my C++ code, not from the terminal. I think I found how to find the log file directory by using ros::file_log::getLogDirectory(). However this does not give me the log file name.

2013-12-05 08:19:47 -0500 asked a question Finding node log file location programmatically

Is it possible to programmatically find location of the log file where my current ros node is writing? I am using ros groovy. I would like to find the location of the log file from my C++ code, not from the terminal. I think I found how to find the log file directory by using ros::file_log::getLogDirectory(). However this does not give me the log file name.

2013-05-01 05:46:18 -0500 commented question SBPL Non-Holonomic Motion Primitives

Are you still looking for the answer? If yes, can you please provide more details about your project?