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2019-04-25 18:08:12 -0500 marked best answer [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Hi !

I'm looking from a package to communicate btw arduino and ROS kinetic (on jetson) with an arduino ethernet module.

I need to send msg / srv from arduino to the jetson.



I found a file ArduinoTcpHardware.h in the rosserial github. Anyone know how to use it ?

2018-12-14 03:55:14 -0500 edited question [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Arduino ethernet communication with ROS Hi ! I'm looking from a package to communicate btw arduino and ROS kinetic (on

2018-12-14 03:55:14 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-12-14 03:55:01 -0500 answered a question [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

So finally I found a solution. I use this example from the rosserial github. To run the ros node use roslaunch rosseri

2018-12-14 03:50:00 -0500 edited question [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Arduino ethernet communication with ROS Hi ! I'm looking from a package to communicate btw arduino and ROS kinetic (on

2018-12-14 03:47:09 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-12-13 22:00:54 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-12-13 02:41:43 -0500 commented answer [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Yes I can use these example but when I try to compile with catkin build I have this error CMakeFiles/ethernet.dir/tools

2018-12-13 02:41:23 -0500 commented answer [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Yes I can use these example but when I try to compile with catkin build I have this error CMakeFiles/ethernet.dir/tools

2018-12-13 02:41:03 -0500 commented answer [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Yes I can use these example but when I try to compile with catkin build I have this error CMakeFiles/ethernet.dir/tools

2018-12-13 02:40:42 -0500 commented answer [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Yes I can use these example but when I try to compile with catkin build I have this error CMakeFiles/ethernet.dir/to

2018-12-12 09:15:24 -0500 answered a question [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

I found a file ArduinoTcpHardware.h in the rosserial github. Anyone know how to use it ?

2018-12-08 07:08:30 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-12-07 06:25:03 -0500 commented answer [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

ok thx I will try to implement UDP

2018-12-07 06:24:43 -0500 answered a question [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

ok thx I will try to implement UDP to communicate btw jetson and arduino.

2018-12-07 06:23:03 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-12-06 09:12:44 -0500 asked a question [SOLVED] Arduino ethernet communication with ROS

Arduino ethernet communication with ROS Hi ! I'm looking from a package to communicate btw arduino and ROS kinetic (on