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belorenz's profile - activity

2022-04-22 10:09:44 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-02-02 02:52:17 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-11-19 04:04:33 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2021-11-05 05:39:02 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-11-04 07:04:47 -0500 edited question Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty

Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty Problem Setup: ROS noetic, Ubuntu20. I have a slow

2021-11-04 07:03:37 -0500 commented question Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty

Added an answer but was not able to accept it as correct since I have < 10 points.

2021-11-04 07:03:01 -0500 marked best answer Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty


Setup: ROS noetic, Ubuntu20.

I have a slow pose estimation node which subscribes to incoming images with a low frequency of only 2Hz. The images are published by a rosbag with 20Hz. The bag contains about 800 images (colored, 1280x1024px) , so they should easily fit into the 10k elements queue of the publisher (rosbag play --queue=10000) and subscriber (message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([image_sub, info_sub],10000)

I would expect that the subscriber queues the incoming images so that every single image can be processed one after another. But instead, already after 3 image messages the dropping of messages starts so that in the end ~60% of the messages are dropped.

While debugging the message_filter.TimeSynchronizer (synchronizes CameraInfo and Image subscriber) I could see that the image queue is never longer than 1, while the camera info queue grew proportional to the published messages.

2021-11-04 07:02:28 -0500 answered a question Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty

Solution While searching for a solution I learned that message transport in ROS happens with TCP/UDP. Through this hint

2021-11-04 07:02:28 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2021-11-04 07:00:43 -0500 edited question Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty

Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty Discalimer: The problem I am describing here is already

2021-11-04 07:00:43 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-11-04 04:22:50 -0500 asked a question Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty

Messages drop on slow subscriber although queue not full / empty Discalimer: The problem I am describing here is already

2020-10-11 19:00:52 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-11-09 08:33:38 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

It fails with g++ test.cpp -o test so it is pretty sure unrelated to ROS.

2018-11-09 05:59:10 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Could isolate the problem to <cstring>. This fails with the same error message. I am fairly new to ros and to c++.

2018-11-09 05:58:52 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Could isolate the problem to <cstring>. This fails with the same error message. I am fairly new to ros and to c++.

2018-11-09 05:42:10 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Yes, it still fails.

2018-11-09 05:36:44 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-11-09 03:54:19 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Added the code and the cmakelist. @gvdhoorn i was able compile your example without any problems. With include <ros/r

2018-11-09 03:54:10 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Added the code and the cmakelist. @gvdhoorn i was able compile your example without any problems. With include <ros/r

2018-11-09 03:53:36 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Added the code and the cmakelist. @gvdhoorn i was able compile your example without any problems. With include <ros r

2018-11-09 03:53:26 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Added the code and the cmakelist. @gvdhoorn i was able compile your example without any problems. With include <ros r

2018-11-09 03:46:28 -0500 commented question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

Added the code and the cmakelist. @gvdhoorn i was able compile your example without any problems.

2018-11-09 03:45:27 -0500 edited question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

cstring incompability when include <ros ros.h=""> Out of nowhere my ros kinetic project fails building with the st

2018-11-09 02:56:08 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-11-09 02:16:26 -0500 asked a question cstring incompability when include <ros/ros.h>

cstring incompability when include <ros ros.h=""> Out of nowhere my ros kinetic project fails building with the st