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2018-08-23 02:29:54 -0500 commented question catkin_make is rebuilding, but variable outputs are not updating.

Deleting the execuables in <workspace_dir>/devel/lib/<project_name> before doing catkin_make works as well,

2018-08-23 02:28:23 -0500 commented question catkin_make is rebuilding, but variable outputs are not updating.

Deleting the execuables in <workspace_dir>/devel/lib/<project_name> before doing catkin_make works as well,

2018-08-23 02:27:03 -0500 commented question catkin_make is rebuilding, but variable outputs are not updating.

Deleting the execuables in <workspace_dir>/devel/lib/<project_name> before doing catkin_make works as well,

2018-08-23 02:22:29 -0500 commented question catkin_make is rebuilding, but variable outputs are not updating.

I have exactly the same problem. The first time I desperately erased and rebuild my workspace and it worked, anyway that

2018-08-23 01:56:33 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-08-16 05:36:01 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)