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abhishek47's profile - activity

2023-12-14 07:25:33 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-03-20 01:25:46 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-11-22 04:12:46 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-07-30 13:45:52 -0500 commented question Check when a topic is not published with a callback in C++

if I stop publishing the velocity topic, the callback function continues to make the motors spin at the previous velo

2022-07-24 08:59:27 -0500 commented question Simulated d435 camera model does not work

What topics does the camera publish on? The topics are declared in the .sdf file, see Use a Gazebo Depth Camera with ROS

2022-07-24 08:53:10 -0500 commented question Cmake error - catkin_virtualenv

Does Mixing non virtualenv packages with virtualenv packages help?

2022-07-24 08:47:33 -0500 commented question Simulated d435 camera model does not work

What topic(s) does the camera publish on? The topics are declared in the .sdf file, see Use a Gazebo Depth Camera with R

2022-07-14 08:24:23 -0500 commented question Quick way to construct a large ROS message (with a lot of fields)

Refer to rospy Message Initialization.

2022-07-03 04:34:47 -0500 commented question Position only IK with orientation constraint in MoveIT

If you refer to #q194323, the GetPositionIK service mentioned in the answer has a way to specify constraints in Position

2022-07-03 04:34:35 -0500 commented question Position only IK with orientation constraint in MoveIT

If you refer to #q194323, the GetPositionIK service mentioned in the answer has a way to specify constraints in Position

2022-06-16 11:23:56 -0500 commented question Getting rosservice info from c++ node

Duplicate of #q151611

2022-06-16 11:18:13 -0500 commented question Rospack can't find catkin built package with install flag

See the previously asked question difference between devel folder and install folder in catkin_ws

2022-06-02 06:41:40 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-05-28 23:35:52 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-05-22 06:40:48 -0500 marked best answer Making rosnode_cleanup() not wait for y/n from user

I arrived at rosnode_cleanup() after looking at #q9521 and #q285530.

I need to use rosnode.rosnode_cleanup() in my Python script, but it is blocking because it waits for yes/no confirmation from user. While I understand this was put there for good reasons, for my purposes I need to make it non-blocking.

Is there a way to achieve that?

Looking at the source code, probably not? Is there another way to get the equivalent functionality without re-implementing most of rosnode myself?

2022-05-22 06:40:48 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2022-05-21 10:08:16 -0500 commented answer Making rosnode_cleanup() not wait for y/n from user

Thanks for the answer. Is there another way to get the equivalent functionality without re-implementing most of rosn

2022-05-21 10:08:08 -0500 commented answer Making rosnode_cleanup() not wait for y/n from user

Thanks for the answer. Is there another way to get the equivalent functionality without re-implementing most of rosn

2022-05-20 13:09:40 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-05-20 03:49:46 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-05-19 04:28:26 -0500 asked a question Making rosnode_cleanup() not wait for y/n from user

Making rosnode_cleanup() not wait for y/n from user I arrived at rosnode_cleanup() after looking at #q9521 and #q285530.

2022-05-15 08:25:22 -0500 commented question Is it possible to write parameter value into a yaml file during runtime

Are you looking for the programmatic equivalent of the CLI command ros2 param dump? Doesn't look like one is available (

2022-05-07 07:44:52 -0500 commented question Rviz crashes abruptly after running for a short time. exit code -8. Why?

after a certain time of work, the rviz and gazebo programs stop working abruptly Some more specific information wou

2022-05-04 07:30:49 -0500 commented question Arduino map() function in C++

What does this have to do with ROS?

2022-05-03 10:42:39 -0500 commented question How to test latency and throughput between two nodes?

ros2 topic hz gives the rate at which data is published, so that could provide part of what you're looking for. Make sur

2022-04-16 11:39:11 -0500 commented question How to subscribe to Array message

don't know in detail how to subscribe to a message file with an Array structure Message with an array or not makes

2022-04-16 11:38:58 -0500 commented question How to subscribe to Array message

don't know in detail how to subscribe to a message file with an Array structure Message with an array or not makes

2022-04-16 11:38:04 -0500 commented question How to subscribe to Array message

don't know in detail how to subscribe to a message file with an Array structure msg->detections is correct, arra

2022-04-16 11:37:39 -0500 commented question How to subscribe to Array message

don't know in detail how to subscribe to a message file with an Array structure msg->detections is correct, arra

2022-04-16 11:37:11 -0500 commented question How to subscribe to Array message

Before calling msg->detections[0], what do you get if you log msg->detections.size()? don't know in detail how

2022-04-16 11:37:03 -0500 commented question How to subscribe to Array message

Before calling msg->detections[0], what do you get if you log msg->detections.size()? don't know in detail how

2022-04-16 11:33:18 -0500 commented question How to subscribe to Array message

Before calling msg->detections[0], what do you get if you log msg->detections.size()?

2022-04-11 11:32:00 -0500 commented question Variable namespaces in classes (Python3)

Very likely the subscription is getting created before self.namespace is being set to robot1. What if you made the const

2022-04-11 11:31:38 -0500 commented question Variable namespaces in classes (Python3)

Very likely the subscription is getting created before namespace is being set to robot1. What if you made the constructo

2022-04-04 03:00:13 -0500 commented question How to add a PUBKEY ?

See the accepted answer to #q325039, particularly the syntax for adding a new key which looks a little different than yo

2022-03-30 10:30:34 -0500 commented question Rviz2 doesn't show point cloud because of wrong tf

Not entirely sure but it might be something to do with timestamps, see #q357762 and comments of #q367138

2022-03-29 10:58:56 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-03-29 10:54:53 -0500 commented question Slow publisher with callback

just by subscribing and re-publishing it Aren't you doing more than that? input is copied over to output which is g

2022-03-29 10:50:33 -0500 commented question Rviz2 doesn't show point cloud because of wrong tf

I have this message printed on terminal You probably forgot to include those logs in your question.

2022-03-29 10:39:50 -0500 commented question Methods to determine the delay between a real world event and timestamping in ROS?

Duplicate of #q397334

2022-03-26 04:11:30 -0500 commented question Run a launch script in subscriber callback

Why wait to launch robot B until robot A satisfies msg.pose.pose.position > 1? Why not launch robot B the same time a

2022-03-26 04:10:39 -0500 commented question Run a launch script in subscriber callback

Why do you have to wait to launch robot B until robot A satisfies msg.pose.pose.position > 1? Why not launch robot B

2022-03-26 04:07:06 -0500 commented question Run a launch script in subscriber callback

Not sure if your requirement is you absolutely must launch from inside a subscriber callback, but a better design would

2022-03-26 02:12:23 -0500 commented question multiple robot to move specific point by using python

Duplicate of #q397939

2022-03-21 02:32:03 -0500 commented answer Can not get the data from ROS Services, only entering the server but data is not out, why?

only have one srv file and that is the ImuValue. Understand? I don't have ImuValueResponse ImuValueResponse is auto

2022-03-21 01:56:20 -0500 commented answer Can not get the data from ROS Services, only entering the server but data is not out, why?

never enter the handle_ros_services() function How did you verify this? Is everything alright with Pressure.Pressur

2022-03-21 01:53:31 -0500 commented answer Can not get the data from ROS Services, only entering the server but data is not out, why?

never enter the handle_ros_services() function How did you verify this? Do you get to print("Server Read Data:")?

2022-03-21 01:51:19 -0500 commented answer Can not get the data from ROS Services, only entering the server but data is not out, why?

when do the changes i can enter the client but in server node never enter the handle_ros_services() function so Im no

2022-03-21 01:48:05 -0500 commented answer Can not get the data from ROS Services, only entering the server but data is not out, why?

when do the changes i can enter the client but in server node never enter the handle_ros_services() function so Im no

2022-03-21 01:44:10 -0500 commented question tf2 for ROS melodic

See #q326226