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Kenjr's profile - activity

2018-10-14 14:27:22 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-01-08 17:15:10 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-08-13 17:12:07 -0500 asked a question Missing rosserial_tutorials_tivac/ColorRGBA.h

Missing rosserial_tutorials_tivac/ColorRGBA.h This is the output from the $catkin_make after the following steps from th

2017-08-13 16:17:48 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-04-01 08:40:15 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-03-22 09:04:01 -0500 commented answer Why do I get a rosserial_tutorials_tivac catkin_make error?

Problem solved I was successful after deleteing the build and devel folders and running the procedure suggested by vmatos.


2017-03-22 09:01:19 -0500 commented answer Why do I get a rosserial_tutorials_tivac catkin_make error?

Thanks I see the 101010 icon.

2017-03-21 17:29:44 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-03-21 13:19:01 -0500 commented answer Why do I get a rosserial_tutorials_tivac catkin_make error?

No I didn't. Got a completely different result, appears to have worked OK. Should I copy the results to the "Your Answer".

2017-03-21 08:56:34 -0500 commented answer Why do I get a rosserial_tutorials_tivac catkin_make error?

Tried the procedure you recommended and I get the same results.

2017-03-21 08:55:47 -0500 commented answer Why do I get a rosserial_tutorials_tivac catkin_make error?

xxx@home-pc:~/Tiva $ export | grep PYTHON declare -x PYTHONPATH="/home/xxx/Tiva/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages" p

2017-03-19 15:03:34 -0500 asked a question Why do I get a rosserial_tutorials_tivac catkin_make error?

I get this error when running catkin_make for the rosserial_tutorials_ buttons_buttons.axf

/home/pops/Tiva/src/rosserial_tivac_tutorials/buttons/buttons.cpp:28:47: fatal error: rosserial_tivac_tutorials/Buttons.h: No such file or directory #include "rosserial_tivac_tutorials/Buttons.h"

I have had not difficulty with "chatter" and "chatter129". I believe I am missing some dependencies in my kinetic distro.

Included contents of my CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(rosserial_tivac_tutorials)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS







find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS message_generation rosserial_client rosserial_tivac std_msgs )

add_message_files( FILES Buttons.msg )




generate_messages( DEPENDENCIES std_msgs )

catkin_package( CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime std_msgs )

rosserial_generate_ros_lib( PACKAGE rosserial_tivac SCRIPT make_libraries_tiva )

Because we need to generate our custom messages before exporting our rosserial ros_lib

#add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_ros_lib ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS})

Chatter tutorial

rosserial_configure_client( DIRECTORY chatter TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${ROSSERIAL_TIVAC_TOOLCHAIN} ) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter chatter.axf ALL) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter flash) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter size) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter dump)

Chatter tutorial for TivaC Connected

rosserial_configure_client( DIRECTORY chatter129 TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${ROSSERIAL_TIVAC_TOOLCHAIN} ) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter129 chatter129.axf ALL) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter129 flash) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter129 size) rosserial_add_client_target(chatter129 dump)

RGB LED tutorial




#) #rosserial_add_client_target(rgb_led rgb_led.axf ALL) #rosserial_add_client_target(rgb_led flash) #rosserial_add_client_target(rgb_led size)

RGB LED service tutorial




#) #rosserial_add_client_target(rgb_srv rgb_srv.axf ALL) #rosserial_add_client_target(rgb_srv flash) #rosserial_add_client_target(rgb_srv size)

Custom message - Button publisher

rosserial_configure_client( DIRECTORY buttons TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${ROSSERIAL_TIVAC_TOOLCHAIN} ) rosserial_add_client_target(buttons buttons.axf ALL) rosserial_add_client_target(buttons flash) rosserial_add_client_target(buttons size)

How to get a parameter from ROS master


DIRECTORY getparam


#) #rosserial_add_client_target(getparam getparam.axf ALL) #rosserial_add_client_target(getparam flash) #rosserial_add_client_target(getparam size)

Time and TF example




#) #rosserial_add_client_target(time_tf time_tf.axf ALL) #rosserial_add_client_target(time_tf flash) #rosserial_add_client_target(time_tf size)

Array test tutorial


DIRECTORY array_test


#) #rosserial_add_client_target(array_test array_test.axf ALL) #rosserial_add_client_target(array_test flash)

freeRTOS for tm4c123gxl

rosserial_configure_client( DIRECTORY freertos123 TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${ROSSERIAL_TIVAC_TOOLCHAIN} ) rosserial_add_client_target(freertos123 freertos123.axf ALL) rosserial_add_client_target(freertos123 flash) rosserial_add_client_target(freertos123 size) rosserial_add_client_target(freertos123 dump)