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Jaryblueky's profile - activity

2016-12-21 02:14:09 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-12-20 04:52:28 -0500 answered a question /scan topic subscribed to costmap_2d [new user]

I have solved this problem. The reason is that there was neither a /odom nor a /map before. I just use a Camera to send message to costmap_2d. I have used husky-garebo to provide the /odom and /map, and input the code"rosrun tf static_transfor_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 /map /odom 100" to transfer frame. Then it works well. I hope this would give you some ideas.

Same to me, I can't subscribe my /scan_Image topic. The .yaml file: "global_frame: /map width: 10 height: 10 plugins: - {name: obstacles, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"} update_frequency: 1.0 publish_frequency: 1.0 always_send_full_costmap: true obstacles: observation_sources: base_scan z_resolution: 0.6 z_voxels: 2 publish_voxel_map: true base_scan: data_type: LaserScan topic: /scan_Image clearing: true marking: true max_obstacle_height: 2.0 obstacle_range: 6.0 raytrace_range: 8.0"

it doesn't work. The subscriptions of the node /costmap_node are listed below. Subscriptions: * /tf_static [tf2_msgs/TFMessage] * /clock [unknown type] * /tf [unknown type] I don't know how can I get it to work well.