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zun_tut's profile - activity

2018-11-16 13:30:36 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-06-12 08:31:43 -0500 received badge  Taxonomist
2016-11-10 01:07:18 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-11-06 06:27:36 -0500 commented answer Error "convert main.wrl to main.dae " When changing the model for Nextage robot

I'm so sorry. I pressed the wrong.What should I do to remove it?

2016-11-06 06:27:30 -0500 commented question Error "convert main.wrl to main.dae " When changing the model for Nextage robot

yes I see. Thank you very much.But I still don't understand how to fix my problem? Could you show me how to fix it if you know. It really necessary for my research .

2016-11-06 06:09:06 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-11-06 01:49:09 -0500 received badge  Citizen Patrol (source)
2016-11-06 01:48:54 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2016-11-06 01:44:20 -0500 answered a question Error "convert main.wrl to main.dae " When changing the model for Nextage robot

Thank you very much for your kindly help.

1. Yes .You were right. I couldn't typed directly in the file main.wrl of the folder :/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models$ vim main.wrl

Therefore, I copied the file main.wrl to the folder :home/zun/NEXTAGE_tool by the command : $ sudo cp /opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models/main.wrl NEXTAGE_tool/

and revised it as following:

                                                    Transform {
                                                        translation -0.065 0 0
                                                        children [
                                                          Inline { url "ChuckHand.wrl" }
                                                          #Inline { url "toolll.wrl" }

Then copied reversely by the command:

$ sudo cp /NEXTAGE_tool/main.wrl opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models/

Then I executed the step 2.2.2 and the error occurred:

zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:~$ rospack find nextage_description /opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description

zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:~$ roscd nextage_description/

zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description$ rosversion nextage_description 0.7.10

zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description$ cd models

zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models$ rosrun openhrp3 export-collada -i main.wrl -o main.dae

[rosrun] You have chosen a non-unique executable, please pick one of the following:

1) /opt/ros/indigo/lib/openhrp3/export-collada

2) /opt/ros/indigo/share/openhrp3/export-collada #? 1 Humanoid node Joint node WAIST Segment node WAIST Joint node CHEST_JOINT0 Segment node CHEST_JOINT0_Link Joint node HEAD_JOINT0 Segment node HEAD_JOINT0_Link Joint node HEAD_JOINT1 Segment node HEAD_JOINT1_Link VisionSensorCAMERA_HEAD_R VisionSensorCAMERA_HEAD_L Joint node RARM_JOINT0 Segment node RARM_JOINT0_Link Joint node RARM_JOINT1 Segment node RARM_JOINT1_Link Joint node RARM_JOINT2 Segment node RARM_JOINT2_Link Joint node RARM_JOINT3 Segment node RARM_JOINT3_Link Joint node RARM_JOINT4 Segment node RARM_JOINT4_Link Joint node RARM_JOINT5 Segment node RARM_JOINT5_Link Joint node LARM_JOINT0 Segment node LARM_JOINT0_Link Joint node LARM_JOINT1 Segment node LARM_JOINT1_Link Joint node LARM_JOINT2 Segment node LARM_JOINT2_Link Joint node LARM_JOINT3 Segment node LARM_JOINT3_Link Joint node LARM_JOINT4 Segment node LARM_JOINT4_Link Joint node LARM_JOINT5 Segment node LARM_JOINT5_Link

Node is inconvertible and removed from the scene graph

Node is inconvertible and removed from the scene graph

Warning: Mass is zero. <model>HiroNX <link>CHEST_JOINT0

Warning: Mass is zero. <model>HiroNX <link>WAIST

Collada Info: init COLLADA writer version: 1.5.0, namespace:

Collada Warning: shape index is not SP_MESH type, could result in inaccuracies

I/O error : Permission denied

I/O error : Permission denied

error : xmlNewTextWriterFilename : cannot open uri

COLLADA error: daeLIBXMLPlugin::write(file:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models/main.dae) Error creating the xml writer

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'OpenHRP::ModelLoader::ModelLoaderException' 中止 (コアダンプ)

2 In your comment, you had mentioned about source version and intalled binary version, but I don't know which one I am using now. could you show me how check it? and how to get and intall the source version.

Once again, thank you! I am looking for your reply!

2016-11-05 23:52:34 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-11-05 06:03:29 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-11-05 05:43:24 -0500 asked a question Error "convert main.wrl to main.dae " When changing the model for Nextage robot

Hello everybody. I need change robot model for Nextage Robot. I have tried to follow the instructions on this page:

But When I went to steps [2.2.2 Create COLLADA model] and executed the second command:

$ rosrun openhrp3 export-collada -i main.wrl -o main.dae

the following error occurred:

Node is inconvertible and removed from the scene graph
Node is inconvertible and removed from the scene graph
Warning: Mass is zero. <Model>HiroNX <Link>CHEST_JOINT0
Warning: Mass is zero. <Model>HiroNX <Link>WAIST
Collada Info: init COLLADA writer version: 1.5.0, namespace:
Collada Warning: shape index is not SP_MESH type, could result in inaccuracies
I/O error : Permission denied
I/O error : Permission denied
error : xmlNewTextWriterFilename : cannot open uri
COLLADA error: daeLIBXMLPlugin::write(file:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models/main.dae) Error creating the xml writer
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'OpenHRP::ModelLoader::ModelLoaderException'
中止 (コアダンプ)

Did anybody know about this problem, please help me to solve it!

UPDATE (moved from answer section by @130s):

Thank you very much for your kindly help.

1. Yes .You were right. I couldn't typed directly in the file main.wrl of the folder :/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models$ vim main.wrl

Therefore, I copied the file main.wrl to the folder :home/zun/NEXTAGE_tool by the command :

$ sudo cp /opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models/main.wrl  NEXTAGE_tool/

and revised it as following:

                                                    Transform {
                                                        translation -0.065 0 0
                                                        children [
                                                          Inline { url "ChuckHand.wrl" }
                                                          #Inline { url "toolll.wrl" }

Then copied reversely by the command:

 $ sudo cp /NEXTAGE_tool/main.wrl opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models/

Then I executed the step 2.2.2 and the error occurred:

  zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:~$ rospack find nextage_description 

  zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:~$ roscd nextage_description/

  zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description$ rosversion nextage_description

  zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description$ cd models

  zun@zun-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_description/models$  rosrun openhrp3 export-collada -i main.wrl -o main.dae

  [rosrun] You have chosen a non-unique executable, please pick one of the following:

 1) /opt/ros/indigo/lib/openhrp3/export-collada   
 2) /opt/ros/indigo/share/openhrp3/export-collada
#? 1
Humanoid node
Joint node WAIST
  Segment node WAIST
  Joint node CHEST_JOINT0
    Segment node CHEST_JOINT0_Link
    Joint node HEAD_JOINT0
      Segment node HEAD_JOINT0_Link
      Joint node HEAD_JOINT1
        Segment node HEAD_JOINT1_Link
    Joint node RARM_JOINT0
      Segment node RARM_JOINT0_Link
      Joint node RARM_JOINT1
        Segment node RARM_JOINT1_Link
        Joint node RARM_JOINT2
          Segment node RARM_JOINT2_Link
          Joint node RARM_JOINT3
            Segment node RARM_JOINT3_Link
            Joint node RARM_JOINT4
              Segment node RARM_JOINT4_Link
              Joint node RARM_JOINT5
                Segment node RARM_JOINT5_Link
    Joint node LARM_JOINT0
      Segment node LARM_JOINT0_Link
      Joint node LARM_JOINT1
        Segment node LARM_JOINT1_Link
        Joint node LARM_JOINT2
          Segment node LARM_JOINT2_Link
          Joint node LARM_JOINT3
            Segment node LARM_JOINT3_Link
            Joint node LARM_JOINT4
              Segment node LARM_JOINT4_Link
              Joint node LARM_JOINT5
                Segment node LARM_JOINT5_Link

Node is inconvertible and removed from the scene graph
Node is inconvertible and removed from the scene graph
Warning: Mass is zero. <Model>HiroNX <Link>CHEST_JOINT0 ...