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2016-08-02 14:37:05 -0500 commented answer how to write an IK plugin in moveit

@Airuno2L , it is not a closed loop structure. Here is a picture of my robot. The end effector is not included in the picture and would be attached to the red colored gear-like link (called "driver") at the very end

2016-08-02 13:01:18 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-08-01 15:31:04 -0500 commented answer how to write an IK plugin in moveit

@Airuno2L It is not a parallel manipulator. However, it does have a parallel linkage connecting the end effector to the base.

2016-07-26 15:49:50 -0500 commented answer how to write an IK plugin in moveit

@pbeeson and @Airuno2L Does the TRAC-IK plugin support mimic joints? KDL doesn't seem to support it and I am having a hard time with the IKFast plugin.

2016-07-25 16:01:23 -0500 commented answer Creating ikfast solution cpp for nao

Hey @vincent78 and @Chickenman, I am getting the same error too. Were you able to fix this?

2016-07-19 14:35:12 -0500 commented question Error Group " " has mimic joint will not initialize dynamics solver

Hello Marcel,

Were you able to fix this? I am facing the same issue.!


2016-07-08 17:40:52 -0500 commented question Creating a CollisionObject from a mesh in indigo

Hi noamon, I am facing the same issue. Any luck fixing it?