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2016-07-26 18:48:55 -0500 asked a question When I run my tf_listener am getting this Error. Anyone can direct me in the right direction to fix this error will be greatly appreciated!

2016-06-29 15:33:51 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-06-29 15:32:54 -0500 answered a question tf tutorial:cannot launch node of type

Make sure you have included all the package that are needed within your CmakeList.txt. For instance, I forget to included rospy and it didn't work for me. And if that didn't work try deleting the build and devel folders within you package and recompile it with catkin_make.

2016-06-29 12:35:25 -0500 commented question Change path of rosrun. Couldn't find executables?

I had the same error and this is same of the things I did. 1.Delete the build and devel folder with our your working directory. 2.Make sure that all that you have followed the overall order and structure with in you CMakeList 3.Include all the package needed