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2020-06-02 15:19:21 -0500 commented question Not advertized topics when using stereo_image_proc

Hi I'm sorry, but I didn't solve this. I tried to update to Jade, but as far as I remember I still had the same problem.

2018-05-15 08:46:52 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-10-26 04:46:06 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-10-26 04:46:06 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-06-27 22:42:40 -0500 commented question Not advertized topics when using stereo_image_proc

No, I'm sorry say that I haven't found a solution for this, but I'm still interested in a solution. My goal was to use

2017-05-07 15:02:54 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-05-07 15:02:54 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-10-11 20:33:11 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-10-11 20:33:11 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-09-08 11:43:22 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-09-06 02:28:41 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-08-29 22:45:30 -0500 commented question Extract rectified images from bag file with image_raw

Hmm... I used the parameter name in in bag_tools. Now aware of that it may not be the same parameter in image_proc.

2016-08-29 02:01:50 -0500 asked a question Extract rectified images from bag file with image_raw

I have a bag file with the topics image_raw and camera_info from different cameras. By the time I recorded I had not calibrated the cameras. I have now calibrated the cameras and want to save a rectified image. The topics in the bag file are /prosilica_2450/image_raw and /prosilica_2450/camera_info.

Question: What changes do I need in the launch file to be able to save a rectified image?

I have the following launch file:

       <arg name="directory"  />
        <node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag" args="--rate=1 -d 2 $(arg directory)/logall_0.bag"/>

    <node name="p2450_image_proc" pkg="image_proc" type="image_proc" >
    <remap from="image_raw" to="/prosilica_2450/image_raw"/>  
    <remap from="camera_info" to="/prosilica_2450/camera_info"/>  
    <param name="camera_info_file" value="/home/Sandbox/CameraInfoFiles/prosilica5555.yaml"/> 

    <node name="p2450_save" pkg="image_view" type="extract_images" respawn="false" output="screen" cwd="node">
    <remap from="image" to="/image_rect"/>  
    <param name="filename_format" value="$(arg directory)/Pros2450/Pros2450_%05i.png"/> 
2016-08-28 12:26:37 -0500 commented answer No disparity from connected and synced stereo images (stereo_image_proc)

Thanks for your answer, Miquel. I changed the launch file to the one shown in my answer. I do not get any better result, even though the code is more correct.

2016-08-28 12:24:44 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-08-28 12:23:16 -0500 answered a question No disparity from connected and synced stereo images (stereo_image_proc)

Thanks for your answer, Miquel. I changed the launch file to the code shown below. There are no change in output. Running rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph the nodes seem all connected. rosnode list show:


and rosnode info stereo_cam

Node [/stereo_cam]
 * /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]

 * /stereo/right/image [unknown type]
 * /stereo/left/image [unknown type]
 * /stereo/disparity [stereo_msgs/DisparityImage]

 * /stereo_cam/set_logger_level
 * /stereo_cam/get_loggers

contacting node http://sas2-truck:46038/ ...
Pid: 2161
 * topic: /rosout
    * to: /rosout
    * direction: outbound
    * transport: TCPROS
 * topic: /stereo/disparity
    * to: /stereo/stereo_image_proc (http://sas2-truck:44066/)
    * direction: inbound
    * transport: TCPROS

Part of the launch file:

<group ns="stereo">  

  <!-- Left camera node --> 
  <node name="left" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" output="screen" >
    <param name="ip_address" type="str" value="" />
    <param name="frame_id" value="left_optical_frame" />
    <rosparam command="load" file="cam_settings_1350_Kollmorgen.yaml" />
   <remap from="image_raw" to="/left/image_raw" />
   <remap from="camera_info" to="/left/camera_info" /> 

  <!-- Right camera node -->
  <node name="right" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" output="screen" >
    <param name="ip_address" type="str" value="" />
    <param name="frame_id" value="right_optical_frame" />
    <rosparam command="load" file="cam_settings_1350_Kollmorgen.yaml" /> 
   <remap from="image_raw" to="/right/image_raw" />
   <remap from="camera_info" to="/right/camera_info" /> 

<node name="stereo_image_proc" pkg="stereo_image_proc" type="stereo_image_proc" output="screen"  > 
<param name="approximate_sync" value="0.05" />

<node name="stereo_cam" pkg="image_view" type="stereo_view" output="screen" >
<param name="queue_size" value="500" />
<param name="approximate_sync" value="True" />
2016-08-24 01:17:24 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-08-24 01:17:24 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-27 12:06:13 -0500 asked a question No disparity from connected and synced stereo images (stereo_image_proc)

Hi I'm running some sensors on a system with Ubuntu 14.04 and Indigo. I use two Prosilica 1350 in a stereo setup with a resolution of 1360x1024. The cameras are calibrated with and the .yaml-files are placed in ~/.ros/camera_info They are synced by hardware and I've checked the timing in rqt and they are within three microseconds (3 us). I use a launchfile with the relevant content showed below.

Problem: I do not get any disparity from the stereo_image_proc. Question: What do I need to change in my launchfile to get the disparity?

I have tried everything on the "Possible issue"-list:

Possible issues:
        * stereo_image_proc is not running.     // Yes, its running ! 
          Does `rosnode info /stereo_cam` show any connections?   // It shows connections
        * The cameras are not synchronized.   // By Hardware
          Try restarting stereo_view with parameter _approximate_sync:=True     // Done 
        * The network is too slow. One or more images are dropped from each triplet.   
          Try restarting stereo_view, increasing parameter 'queue_size' (currently 50)     
          // Tried queue_size from 5 to 500 and even resized images

Sorry, I'm not able to upload any image of rosgraph, but the nodes seem connected. I get the following warning:

[ WARN] [1469637939.617985018]: [stereo_view] Low number of synchronized left/right/disparity triplets received.
Left images received:      493 (topic '/stereo/left/image_rect')
Right images received:     492 (topic '/stereo/right/image_rect')
Disparity images received: 0 (topic '/stereo/disparity')
Synchronized triplets: 0

rostopic echo /stereo/left/image_rect and rostopic echo /stereo/right/image_rect show running data.

rosnode info /stereo_cam shows:

 Node [/stereo_cam]
     * /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]

 * /stereo/left/image_rect_color [sensor_msgs/Image]
 * /stereo/disparity [stereo_msgs/DisparityImage]
 * /stereo/right/image_rect_color [sensor_msgs/Image]

 * /stereo_cam/set_logger_level
 * /stereo_cam/get_loggers

contacting node http://sas2-truck:33253/ ...
Pid: 13170
 * topic: /rosout
    * to: /rosout
    * direction: outbound
    * transport: TCPROS
 * topic: /stereo/left/image_rect_color
    * to: /stereo/stereo_image_proc (http://sas2-truck:35006/)
    * direction: inbound
    * transport: TCPROS
 * topic: /stereo/right/image_rect_color
    * to: /stereo/stereo_image_proc (http://sas2-truck:35006/)
    * direction: inbound
    * transport: TCPROS
 * topic: /stereo/disparity
    * to: /stereo/stereo_image_proc (http://sas2-truck:35006/)
    * direction: inbound
    * transport: TCPROS


  <!-- Group with namespace, i.e. stereo -->
<group ns="stereo">  

  <!-- Left camera node --> 
  <node name="left" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" output="screen"  >
     <param name="guid" type="str" value="$(arg guid)" />
    <param name="ip_address" type="str" value="" />
    <param name="frame_id" value="left_optical_frame" />
    <rosparam command="load" file="cam_settings_1350_Kollmorgen.yaml" />
   <remap from="image_raw" to="/stereo/left/image_raw" />
   <remap from="camera_info" to="/stereo/left/camera_info" /> 

  <!-- Right camera node -->
  <node name="right" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" output="screen"  >
     <param name="guid" type="str" value="$(arg guid)" />
    <param name="ip_address" type="str" value="" />
    <param name="frame_id" value="right_optical_frame" />
    <rosparam command="load" file="cam_settings_1350_Kollmorgen.yaml" /> 
   <remap from="image_raw" to="/stereo/right/image_raw" />
   <remap from="camera_info" to="/stereo/right/camera_info" /> 

<node name="stereo_image_proc" pkg="stereo_image_proc" type="stereo_image_proc" output="screen" > 
<param name="approximate_sync" value="0.01" />

<node name="stereo_cam" pkg="image_view" type="stereo_view" output="screen" >
<param name="queue_size" value="50" />
<param name="approximate_sync" value="True" />
<remap from="stereo/left/image" to="/stereo ...
2016-07-26 13:16:04 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-07-20 08:36:21 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2016-07-20 08:35:59 -0500 answered a question CMake Error when using ros_build in Indigo for code earlier used in Groovy

Thanks, ahendrix! I changed it from EQUALS to EQUAL and it worked! :D

Afterwards I realize that I should have noticed this. The editor didn't mark the expression correctly, but I was focusing on the wrong part of the expression. Thanks again!

2016-07-20 08:31:49 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-19 20:52:04 -0500 asked a question CMake Error when using ros_build in Indigo for code earlier used in Groovy

Hi I have upgraded a system from Ubuntu 12.04 and Groovy to 14.04 and Indigo. The system was earlier based on packages build with ros_build. I now switched to catkin for the standard packaes. However, there are two packages that are created for the specific system with ros_build. To make it easy, I used the tutorial to Developing rosbuild packages on top of groovy and made a rosbuild_ws so that I have a ~/rosbuild_ws and a ~/catkin_ws. Building the first package went quite smoothly, but the other gave some errors. The package depends on some libraries that are placed in the same directory. These libraries are just added and not compiled on my computer.

Question: What do need to change to compile this code without errors?

The structure:

        /fz-linux-api        ---this directory contains libraries from Fotonic 

When I run ros_make fotonic i get the following error in the terminal window:

 [rosbuild] Including /opt/ros/indigo/share/roscpp/rosbuild/roscpp.cmake
  [rosbuild] Including /opt/ros/indigo/share/rospy/rosbuild/rospy.cmake
  CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:38 (if):
    if given arguments:


    Unknown arguments specified

  -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
  See also "/home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
  See also "/home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
[ rosmake ] Output from build of package fotonic written to:
[ rosmake ]    /home/klas/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20160720-030402/fotonic/build_output.log
[rosmake-3] Finished <<< fotonic [FAIL] [ 2.79 seconds ]

Row 36-44 in CMakeList.txt contains:

36    SET (FOTONIC_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/fz-linux-api/include CACHE PATH "fotonic_include dir")


42      SET (FOTONIC_LIBRARY_DIRS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/fz-linux-api/lib64)


And the CMakeError.log tells the following:

Determining if the pthread_create exist failed with the following output:
Change Dir: /home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp

Run Build Command:/usr/bin/make "cmTryCompileExec3611313723/fast"
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec3611313723.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec3611313723.dir/build
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CMakeFiles 1
Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec3611313723.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o
/usr/bin/cc    -o CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec3611313723.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o   -c /home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.c
Linking C executable cmTryCompileExec3611313723
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec3611313723.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/usr/bin/cc       CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec3611313723.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o  -o cmTryCompileExec3611313723 -rdynamic 
CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec3611313723.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o: In function `main':
CheckSymbolExists.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
make[2]: *** [cmTryCompileExec3611313723] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
make[1]: *** [cmTryCompileExec3611313723/fast] Error 2

File /home/klas/rosbuild_ws/fotonic/build ...
2016-07-18 16:37:05 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-14 12:02:26 -0500 commented question Not advertized topics when using stereo_image_proc

You're right. It populates with data, but there are no data in stereo/stereo/disparity or in /stereo/disparity. Shouldn't stereo_image_proc subscribe to /stereo/left/image_raw and /stereo/left/camera_info and corresponding topics for the right camera and publish a disparity image?

2016-07-14 09:54:41 -0500 commented question Not advertized topics when using stereo_image_proc

Thanks for stopping by. I updated the question above.

2016-07-14 05:25:28 -0500 asked a question Not advertized topics when using stereo_image_proc

This is probably a mapping problem between prosilica_camera and stereo_image_proc and maybe a quite easy one, but I have spent some time with it and cant realize what the problem is. Please, any ideas are welcome.

Question: How do I change my launchfile so I get a disparity image?

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and Indigo. I use two prosilica cameras in a stereo setup with a hardware sync at 5Hz. I have calibrated the cameras with and it works fine, running as:

rosrun camera_calibration --size 8x6 --square 0.108 right:=/stereo/right/image_raw left:=/stereo/left/image_raw --approximate=0.001

But, I do encounter problems when I create a launchfile with stereo_image_proc. I got the following warning messages:

[ WARN] [1468489598.756891997]: The input topic '/stereo/left/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1468489598.757031851]: The input topic '/stereo/left/camera_info' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1468489598.757079896]: The input topic '/stereo/right/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1468489598.757120022]: The input topic '/stereo/right/camera_info' is not yet advertised

I can see information when I run, e.g.: rostopic info /stereo/left/image_raw

The part of the launch file that concerns stereo:

<group ns="stereo">

  <!-- Left camera node -->
  <node name="left" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" output="screen" >
     <param name="guid" type="str" value="$(arg guid)" />
    <param name="ip_address" type="str" value="" />
    <param name="frame_id" value="left_optical_frame" />
    <rosparam command="load" file="cam_settings_1350.yaml" />
    <remap from="image_raw" to="left/image_raw" />
    <remap from="camera_info" to="left/camera_info" />

  <!-- Right camera node -->
  <node name="right" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" output="screen" >
     <param name="guid" type="str" value="$(arg guid)" />
    <param name="ip_address" type="str" value="" />
    <param name="frame_id" value="right_optical_frame" />
    <rosparam command="load" file="cam_settings_1350.yaml" />
    <remap from="image_raw" to="right/image_raw" />
    <remap from="camera_info" to="right/camera_info" />

<node name="stereo_image_proc" pkg="stereo_image_proc" type="stereo_image_proc" output="screen"> 
<param name="approximate" value="0.005" />

<node name="stereo_cam" pkg="image_view" type="stereo_view"> </node>


Added after first comment. rostopic list says :

/stereo/left/image_rect ...
2016-06-08 08:44:06 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)