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etienne1234's profile - activity

2016-06-18 10:16:53 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-05-11 03:14:13 -0500 asked a question rosbag c++ API bug at execution

Hi everyone, i'm having a real weird problem with the rosbag c++ API.

I'm using QtCreator to develop on Ubuntu 14.04.

Whenever I try to use a class from the rosbag library (rosbag::Bag or rosbag::View for instance), i can launch my program within QtCreator (Compile & Run) and everything works fine. But whenever i try to launch the generated .exe by double-clicking it, NOTHING happens at all (the program doesn't launch and nothing appears in system monitor). I can launch it by prompt line too, but it won't work for me (i launch other bash commands with QProcess and it closes the app..), i really need to be able to launch the .exe by double clicking it. I must say i have no clue about what the problem could be (permissions i guess? or something like this..).

I tried to give rights to the .exe file by doing a chmod -x on it, but when i double click it i get this error message : Invalid url: '/local/etienne/QtWorkspace/build-test-Desktop-Debug/test' given, exiting No ':' in the uri

I hope someone will be able to help me, thanks in advance,


2016-04-20 17:25:45 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-04-13 04:11:48 -0500 commented answer Rqt plugin C++ undefined symbol

That's some useful information, i'm still on ros Indigo though, so i can use only Qt4 right ? If i migrate to ros Kinetic it's Qt5 compatible now ?

2016-04-13 03:50:08 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-04-11 02:11:42 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-04-08 17:23:04 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-04-08 10:04:46 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-04-08 09:47:59 -0500 answered a question Rqt plugin C++ undefined symbol

I'm having segmentation fault.

I commented everything in my .cpp and just left myWidget = new QWidget() in the initPlugin(). The plugin is shown in RQT, but when i select it it says segmentation fault and crashes. If i remove this line it works (no crash/segmentation fault)

Does this mean that my Qt libraries are not linked correctly ? I'm trying to build with Qt5, so i changed the corresponding lines in the CMakeLists.txt

EDIT : i tried with Qt4 in the Cmake and there is no more segmentation fault. Could someone help me to find the equivalent commands in CMake for Qt5 if it is possible ? Now it is working with everything, but i get the following error :

/usr/bin/python: symbol lookup error: /local/etienne/ros/catkin_ws/devel/lib// undefined symbol: _ZN7QwtPlotC1EP7QWidget

So i guess Qwt isnt linked correctly too, i'm new to Cmake so if you could help me. Thanks

EDIT : I was linking a Qwt version manually compiled with ... Qt5 so ofc it was failing, now i'm using a Qwt version compatible with Qt4 and it's working fine.

Seems like my problem is solved, thanks for your hints!

2016-04-08 05:06:58 -0500 commented question Rqt plugin C++ undefined symbol

i'll tell you how it goes, i'm re-working on this subject today

2016-04-08 05:06:30 -0500 commented question Rqt plugin C++ undefined symbol

Git repository for the project : @lucasw i'm gonna try to rebuild with your template, your other option of publishing it might be interesting, but i'm gonna have to do others RQT c++ plugin so ... @ahendrix I kinda need RQT because of existing plugins

2016-04-05 09:49:53 -0500 asked a question Rqt plugin C++ undefined symbol

Hi everyone, i'm having trouble in making my own rqt plugin in c++. I want to write a plugin that subscribes to /odom topic. With the odometry data, i want to draw the trajectory of the robot with Qwt. I made the code, did the catkin_make and everything worked fine. Nevertheless when I open rqt and try to launch the plugin, i get the following error :

[ERROR] [1459848732.059769566]: Failed to load nodelet [odom_plugin/OdomPlugin_1] of type [odom_plugin/OdomPlugin]: Failed to load library /local/etienne/ros/catkin_ws/devel/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = /local/etienne/ros/catkin_ws/devel/lib// undefined symbol: _ZTVN11odom_plugin10OdomPluginE)
RosPluginlibPluginProvider::load_explicit_type(odom_plugin/OdomPlugin) failed creating instance PluginManager._load_plugin() could not load plugin "odom_plugin/OdomPlugin": RosPluginlibPluginProvider.load() could not load plugin "odom_plugin/OdomPlugin"

I know this is exactly the same error, of very similar to this topic : But i didn't understand how the man solved his problem.

I only have a header and source file, i give you links of the file just above :

header :

source :

plugin.xml :

package.xml :

CMakeLists.txt :

I really don't know here to look, so if someone could point me on my error or give me a track it would be really nice. Thank you in advance!

2016-04-05 09:38:32 -0500 received badge  Organizer (source)