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2016-02-17 22:03:43 -0500 received badge  Good Answer (source)
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2014-09-23 16:06:05 -0500 edited answer rospack depends1 error, rosdep version?

I got the exact same error after installing Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04. All I have done so far is follow exactly the instructions for installing ROS Indigo and the first few pages of the tutorial.

$ rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials 
ImportError: No module named rosdep2.rospack
ImportError: No module named rosdep2.rospack
[rospack] Error: could not find python module 'rosdep2.rospack'. is rosdep up-to-date (at least 0.10.4)?

I ran rosdep --version and I have 0.10.30. I also ran rosdep update but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: The only other program that had been installed on my Ubuntu distribution was the anaconda ipython distribution. This seemed to be what was causing the problem. I ran $ rm -rf ~/anaconda to remove it and now

$ rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials 

is function. So the problem was that .