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张京林's profile - activity

2020-09-09 21:59:44 -0500 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2020-04-30 08:15:44 -0500 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2017-10-14 07:18:51 -0500 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2017-10-14 07:18:51 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2017-08-08 05:22:23 -0500 answered a question Can not link to pcl library.

target_link_libraries( ... ${PCL_LIBRARIES}) add${PCL_LIBRARIES} may help

2017-01-10 02:48:43 -0500 commented answer Format of depth value openni2_camera

I try to use it to convert camera/depth/image_raw, which is 16UC1 data, to OpenCV format, but it doesn't work.

2017-01-10 02:48:43 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2016-11-22 07:41:17 -0500 commented answer [openni_tracker] InitFromXml failed: Can't create any node of the requested type!

I also meet the problem: NITE is likely missing: Please install NITE >= But when I remove and reinstall the NITE and Sensor and change the usb port by many times, it worked. I just run two commands:

rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker
2016-02-24 01:35:36 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-02-23 05:18:35 -0500 commented answer SICK LMS500 connection and drivers
2015-12-23 03:25:00 -0500 commented answer nav2d Navigator failing to create path

But how to set those three frames "laser_frame", "robot_frame" and "odometry_frame" ? I meet the same problem.

2015-12-23 02:43:33 -0500 answered a question i can't launch karto_slam on ros indigo

I install it from source too, but did you get the /map topic? I have published the /scan and /tf topic but the /map topic is blank.

2015-12-23 02:37:24 -0500 answered a question problems launching slam_karto (ros-hydro)

If you install from source, you need to change the karto_slam.launch in catkin_ws/src/slam_karto/launch:
The package name is wrong in the launch file
<node pkg="karto" type="slam_karto" name="slam_karto" output="screen">

Please change the pkg="karto" to pkg="slam_karto",so that the launch file could find the node in slam_karto package.

2015-12-16 01:12:44 -0500 commented answer i can't launch karto_slam on ros indigo

But how to install it from source? I download the slam_karto package in the catkin_ws/src, but failed to catkin_make this package.

2015-10-26 20:58:31 -0500 answered a question What should I expect from Turtlebot calibration? / How do I know if my Turtlebot is broken?

Maybe you could restart the robot. Sometimes I have this problem, but when I restart my turtlebot, it's gone. It's nomal If your turtlebot turn 720° continuously in a routine, where each routine begins with "Aligning base with wall" and ends with IMU and odom error output.

2015-10-26 20:19:50 -0500 commented answer Is an IMU required to run Turtlebot stack?

But how to set the bias in the IMU? After the calibration node estimating the imu drift, which parameter should I change?

2015-10-26 03:04:45 -0500 commented answer Gyro and Odometry Calibration Not Effective?

你在minimal.launch里面使用标签设定Gyro_scale_correction的值为2.4,Gyro measurement range的值为250就可以了

2014-08-01 02:43:06 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2014-07-25 04:59:10 -0500 commented answer rosmsg show beginner_tutorials/Num (error???)

OK, thank you very much!

2014-07-25 04:36:07 -0500 commented answer rosmsg show beginner_tutorials/Num (error???)

Should I use the command below, if I want to add it to the shell startup script? echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc