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Communiate ROS with JAUS SDK

asked 2011-05-03 04:39:23 -0500

jayson ding gravatar image

Dear All I am curious if anyone has build the communication between any Jaus(Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems) SDK with ROS. Even no one does, any suggestion about where and how to star will be appreciated. Thanks. Jayson

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2 Answers

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answered 2011-05-03 08:49:56 -0500

Eric Perko gravatar image

We at CWRU did a little bit with JAUS+ROS for IGVC 2010. See cwru_jaus. That code relies on having the appropriate JAUS SDK installed (either OpenJAUS or JAUS++, I honestly can't remember; shouldn't be too hard to figure out from the code or makefiles/CMakeLists).

That code was basically supposed to carry out the interoperation required by the JAUS competition in IGVC 2010, so looking into those rules should give you an idea of what cwru_jaus was trying to accomplish.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer. Keep in mind that that code is experimental and not really documented.

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answered 2011-05-04 01:26:28 -0500

jayson ding gravatar image

Hi CWRU team Very appreciate your reply. I downloaded the source code and figure out you are using JAUS++ 2.0. I will try to play with this code late this weekend. I may bother you with a few small questions. thank for the help. Keep in touch. Jayson

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Asked: 2011-05-03 04:39:23 -0500

Seen: 952 times

Last updated: May 04 '11