Answered my own question by looking at the code :P
No it's not possible at the moment to do this from a script/launch file, rqt_rviz initializes the RViz frame with no configuration file argument at all. However, if you're willing to modify the rqt_rviz C++ code, it's a trivial matter of adding a filename (or better yet a ros parameter) as an argument to _widget->initialize()
in RViz::initPlugin
. Likewise the menu bar can be removed by deleting the call to _widget->setMenuBar()
void RViz::initPlugin(qt_gui_cpp::PluginContext& context)
context_ = &context;
// prevent output of Ogre stuff to console
Ogre::LogManager* log_manager = Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr();
if (!log_manager)
log_manager = new Ogre::LogManager();
QString filename = QString("rqt_rviz_ogre") + (context.serialNumber() > 1 ? QString::number(context.serialNumber()) : QString("")) + QString(".log");
log_ = log_manager->createLog(filename.toStdString().c_str(), false, false);
widget_ = new rviz::VisualizationFrame();
// create own menu bar to disable native menu bars on Unity and Mac
QMenuBar* menu_bar = new QMenuBar();