What kind of control system does move_base have?
So I'm trying to wrap my head around which node exactly does the control system for moving a specific distance in the Navigation stack (using current velocity from /cmd_vel). I came to the conclusion that move_base is responsible for this, but now I'm wondering: what kind of control system does it implement? How does it know what cmd_vel to publish in order to reach the specific distance it must go? Is it a PID controller or something?
I'm mostly asking this just to make sure that I understand this right... I basically want to make sure that my robot moves to the designated destination in a controlled manner (not just full speed until it reaches target then stops and overshoots)...
Which planner are you using and what ROS version?
I haven't started working on the Navigation stack, because I need to first figure out my base_controller (and I need to find out what it should expect from Navigation). Basically, does Navigation take care of going from one point to another in a controlled manner (without overshoot)?