nav_msgs/Odometry.h: No such file or directory
I've just tried to add odometry to my node and when building I get the error:
[ 69%] Built target rosbuild_precompile
[ 73%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/client.dir/src/client/RosDriver.o
/home/sean/ros/sigevo_champ/src/client/RosDriver.cpp:19: fatal error: nav_msgs/Odometry.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I expect that it should be able to include that file because I specified nav_msgs as a dependency in my manifest.xml.
I've been trying to debug this and I'm stuck.
My manifest does include the nav_msgs package.
I haven't had issues with std_msgs. I'm using diamondback source install.
What is the next best step? Is there a way to log exactly where the build is searching for files? What would you do?
I tried Sabrina's suggestions but after this check it still fails to build Can you find nav_msgs with "rospack find nav_msgs"? -> Yes Is nav_msgs compiled? -> Yes Can you access the file with "rosed nav_msgs Odometry.h"? -> Yes
I'm facing a similar problem now, on ROS hydro. However, for me nav_msgs exists but did not compile or run. What are the possible reasons ?
Also, I'd like to understand CmakeCache.txt, because the path entered seems to be correct.