Cannot get the left image with bumblebee2 camera by "bumblebee1394" package
Hi, There some confusion for me by bumblebee1394, that i always cannot get the left image.
I try
$ roscore
$ coriander
$ rosrun bumblebee1394 bumblebee1394
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/dcam_1300157075816067926/left/image_raw
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/dcam_1300157075816067926/right/image_raw
where there always get the same image which is published by right camera. And I read the code carefully that i cannot get any idea. Have somebody faced this problem by bumblebee2 camera?
and for more, when I command $ rosrun bumblebee1394 bumblebee1394
that the terminal show:
~$ rosrun bumblebee1394 bumblebee1394
[dcam] Reset bus
[dcam] Initializing camera, turning off ISO
[dcam] Color device
[Dcam] Setting type of video mode to 1047752033
[Dcam] Feature register hi: ff9d0000
[Dcam] Feature register lo: 40000000
[Dcam] Exposure min/max: [1,1023]
[Dcam] Gain min/max: [0,683]
[Dcam] Brightness min/max: [0,255]
[Dcam] Setting type of video mode to 75
left imagebumblebee_optical_frame
right imagebumblebee_optical_frame
which I only get the mono image, could somebody explain to me?