catkin dependency of other packages and python-libs
we're moving from fuerte to hydro and I find the new built system rather complicated. I ran into the basic issue of: how do I set a dependency to other ros catkin packages? In the old system you just put the package name within the <depend package="my_package"/> in the manifest-file. When I do that now with run_depend/build_depend in package.xml, rosdep doesnt find the my_package.
Second, I want to declare a dependency on the lib python-flask, but as above rosdep doesnt find it anywhere, although it a debian package. What's wrong with that?
I know there is a ton of documentation out there along with the migration guide, but I just can't find answers to this two very basic issues.
If you gave the exact rosdep error and context, it might be easier to help. for flask, you could do a pull request here adding flask: