Rosdep Error
I'm a newbie to Linux and ROS.
Have successfully installed Ubuntu and (I believe) ROS and am in the process of installing various stacks.
One stack is the iheart-robotics rovio driver.
I've attempted to follow the directions to the point I am supposed to issue "rosdep install rovio" from within the installation directory.
It spins for a few seconds and reports an error. The sequence is:
mike@mike-EP45C-UD3R:~/mikeros/iheart-ros-pkg$ dir
ihr_demos ihr_tools README rovio
mike@mike-EP45C-UD3R:~/mikeros/iheart-ros-pkg$ cd rovio
mike@mike-EP45C-UD3R:~/mikeros/iheart-ros-pkg/rovio$ rosdep install rovio
executing this script:
set -o errexit
#No Packages to install
I presume this is an error. Or does this indicate that the dependencies have previously been resolved?
Many thanks...