Doubt in callbacks.
As per my understanding, in a single threaded spinning the Subscriber waits for seeing a message and after seeing, puts it in the callback queue and simultaneously the ros::spin processes the callbacks sequentially in the queue. For example if only a Kinect callback(CBK) is there, then the queueing will be as follows: CBK1 || CBK2 || CBK3 || ... and so on. And these will be processed one at a time by ros::spin(). Am I right?
Provided that the above understanding is right, if we have multiple callbacks. For example one callback for a kinect data(CBK) and one for a laser data(CBL) and since the messages from laser are received faster than kinect, we would have a queueing somewhat similar to : CBL1 ||CBL2 ||CBL3 ||CBK1 ||CBL4 ||CBL5 ||CBL6 ||CBK2 ||CBL7 ||CBL8 ||CBL9 ||CBK3 ||CBL10 || ... and so on. Does ros::spin(), process this as well in the same manner as above?
Can someone help me debug why I am not able to use the customized queues? The following are my two callbacks:
MainThread::MainThread(ros::NodeHandle& nh) : nh(nh)
this->sub_person_data = this->nh.subscribe("/persondetector/person_data", 1, &MainThread::personDetectCallback, this);
this->sub_laser_person_data = this->nh.subscribe("/laserpersondetector/person_data", 1, &MainThread::personDetectLaserCallback, this);
Callback Definition:
void MainThread::personDetectCallback(persondetector_kinect::PersonData data)
std::cout<< "Kinect Data received "<<std::endl;
this->personData_ = data;
std::cout<<"The kinect data queue is empty"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"The kinect data queue is used now"<<std::endl;
void MainThread::personDetectLaserCallback(persondetector_kinect::PersonData data)
std::cout<< "Laser Data received "<<std::endl;
this->laserPersonData_ = data;
Now, in the main I make use of the multi-threaded spinner:
int main (int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize ROS
ros::init (argc, argv, "simple_tracker");
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
// Declaration of kinect and laser data call back queue
ros::CallbackQueue kinect_data_cb_queue;
ros::CallbackQueue laser_data_cb_queue;
simpletracker::MainThread main(nh);
/*ros::MultiThreadedSpinner laser_callback_queue_spinner(2);
/*ros::AsyncSpinner kinect_callback_queue_spinner(0, &(main.kinect_data_cb_queue));
ros::MultiThreadedSpinner kinect_callback_queue_spinner(1);
return 0;
Even if the rosbag is running and the messages are available, it says "The kinect data queue is empty"