Rviz hydro cannot launch node robot_state_publisher
I tried to complete this tutorial: gazebosim.org/wiki/Tutorials/1.9/Using_A_URDF_In_Gazebo
When I'm launching:
roslaunch rrbot_description rrbot_rviz.launch
I got this error:
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [robot_state_publisher/state_publisher]: robot_state_publisher
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/hydro/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/home/wojciech/catkin_ws/src
ROS path [2]=/opt/ros/hydro/share
ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/hydro/stacks
Rviz launches but there is some worns and errors:
FIXED FRAME: No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [link1] does not exist
No transform from [camera_link] to [link1]
- No transform from [link2] to [link1]
- ...
My configuration:
ROS Hydro
Ubuntu 13
I will be grateful for your help,