g2o in ROS creates problems with Csparse
Hello everyone. I downloaded g2o library to use it from inside ROS. Everything seemed to work well, since writing
using namespace g20;
and including test library
#include "/opt/ros/fuerte/include/g2o/core/block_solver.h"
allowed compiling through rosmake from inside my package.
Problems arose when I started to write the real g2o code and just one line
SparseOptimizer optimizer;
caused the following error:
/opt/ros/fuerte/include/g2o/solvers/csparse/csparse_helper.h:23:16: fatal error: cs.h: File o directory non esistente
Then I updated my system to have Csparse:
sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
but I got a message advising me that it's already there.
Finally, I modified my package's CMakeLists file:
but nothing changed.
Does anyone how to solve the problem?