problem with custom point cloud type
I want to create my own point type for my point cloud. Something similar to velodyne_pointcloud. So I created my point type, copying what joq did and adding my own fields to it. Then I used the POINT_CLOUD_REGISTER_POINT_STRUCT to declare (?) it.
I want to publish it and receive it as a pcl::PointCloud so I included the pcl_ros/point_cloud.h header file.
But I get compilation errors: no member name __getMD5Sum, __getDataType, serialize, etc.
According to the documentation, it should be possible to work directly with pcl::PointCloud<t>.
I read the code in velodyne_pointcloud over and over, and I also a created a small test package to test custom point cloud types and it worked. But I can't fix my "real" code. Please help, it's driving me crazy.