Passing arguments via rqt_launch plugin (ROS Launch GUI)
Hi all,
I'm trying to pass an argument to my node via the rqt pluging rqt_launch. But, whatever I type in the GUI into the field "arguments", the values are not passed to my node. Always the default value is passed.
Here the code of my launch-file:
<arg name="foo" default="string"/>
<node name="some_other_node" pkg="some_other_pkg" type="some_other_type" />
<node name="node_with_arg" pkg="the_pkg" type="the_type" args="$(arg foo)"/>
If I start it via command line and roslaunch, everthing is fine, e.g.:
roslaunch name.launch foo:=my_string
But the same syntax with foo:=my_string
is not working in the ROS Launch GUI in the arguments field.
What is the correct syntax to set an argument via rqt_launch plugin?