How do you build roslisp_support on fuerte?
I'm quite new to ROS, so my apologies if some of my assumptions or terminology are mistaken. I have run through the beginner tutorials and built and gotten to run some toy examples using Python. But to make progress on my real work I need to get Roslisp running.
I'm using the the NooTrix prebuilt virtual machine containing ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, running in VirtualBox 4.2.16 under Mac OS X 10.8.4. I am limited to Fuerte, as my ultimate objective is to integrate my work with that of others who are using Fuerte.
It appears that to use Roslisp I need to install the roslisp_support stack, as without it there is no SBCL for me to launch and get started. Searching about I can find no pre-built roslisp_support, so I've checked out the sources from (I'm not allowed to do links in this formum but it's https colon slash svn slash ros slash stacks slash roslisp_support slash trunk) into a subdirectory under ~/ros_workspace. I've cd'd there and run rosmake without any arguments. This fails while trying to build the sbcl package with the error 31: sbcl: not found
I note that line 31 of appears to be
$SBCL_XC_HOST < make-host-1.lisp || exit 1
I may be completely mistaken, but am guessing that may imply that something, I don't know what, upstream in the build process is setting the environment variable SBCL_XC_HOST to 'sbcl', but that that executable, if it exists at all, is not in my PATH at that point.
Am I correct in believing I need to build roslisp_support from source in order to use Roslisp? If so, does anyone have any advice on how to get it built successfully?