Tranform point coordinate from kinect frame to robot frame..
Hi All,
I am trying to learn tf for the purpose of using it for getting the coresponding coordinate of a frame with respect to robot frame having the data(x,y,z) from kinect frame. From the turtlesim tutorial I could not understand how i can use it in my case. As I see in turtlesim, there are two child frames(turtle1 and turtle2) and one parent frame which is the world. tutrle1 publishes it relative transform with respect to The world. turtle2 simply follows the turtle1 using this. But as i think here relative tranform between turtle1 and turtle2 is known.
I would really appreciate if someone can suggest me how to do it ? I am really new to tf. Is it possible for me tranform between base_link and optical_depth_frame of kinect and use it to do my task.
Regards, Subhasis